Bilderberg....most ominous meeting ever. WW III lining up??

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The list of attendees was deeper and longer than ever at the Bilderberg Conference In Turin, Italy this past weekend. The Russians and Chinese were, ominously, not invited, and held their own important policy meetings at the same time. Strangely, the NATO defense ministers' meetings were also ongoing at the same time, as well as the G7 meetings (was supposed to be G8, but Russia was kicked out for retaking the Crimea.) This is something that has not happened before.

The Muslim nations were not represented either, or at least not those that have refused to have anything to do with selling oil to the USA. So, we have two clear world blocs lined up here. The West--led by the USA and Great Britain, versus the East--led by China and Russia, with the world's 1.5 billion Muslims (likely in their corner) vastly under-represented. Just those three forces (plus Iran) represent over 2.8 billion people, or nearly half of the globe.

The Roman Catholic Church sent their first representative this year, which is very discouraging, as it clearly signals the globalist intentions of the Vatican. There were also far more intelligence types in attendance this year, and more high-level government officials than normal. Here is an excellent YouTube story about the event, which gives clear indications that this year's Bilderberg Conference is highly unusual in several respects, and that it could be signalling the prelude to WW III:

Here is an excerpt from the text introducing the video:

"A primary focus... was what to do about Russia and how to topple the Iranian government. The sheer number of top-level global leaders at Bilderberg this year is staggering – including a Cardinal from the Vatican. Russia and China, also held a policy-planning meeting on the same dates. It is apparent that the world is coalescing into two opposing military alliances, both of which are considering war as the likely resolution of their differences. [We are expected to support one side and oppose the other, but both sides embrace collectivism and oppose each other, not over ideology, but only on who will dominate. There are no good guys here.]"

General James "Mad Dog" Mattis is also a Bilderberg veteran, and that in and of itself (plus his nickname) ought to send chills up and down the spines of all the peace-loving people of the world. With the radical neoconservative John Bolton now in place as National Security Adviser and still fully dedicated to "regime change" in Iran...(i.e. nice soft talk for all out war against Iran) and the equally hawkish Mike Pompeo now in place at State, things are lining up very nicely for the warmongering military-industrial complex's wildest wet dream.

Trump, as you may recall, campaigned strenuously AGAINST regime change, and got some of his loudest cheers on the campaign trail whenever he railed against it. Maybe it's time to call the White House and remind him that if he really intends on keeping all his campaign promises, this one might be a good one to remember to keep.


....I think they are seriously shitting themselves...

Possibly, but they may be far too wealthy and powerful to be all that nervous. I think they know they can pull the rug out from under the world economy at any moment they choose and head to the bunkers. The question is, "How long, exactly, do they want to go without seeing the sun?"

...wealthy and powerful

these are fickle realities, based on the masses believing it to be so... And can change in an instant...and they know that.
(the Berlin wall coming down, and the few weeks afterwards...?)

Rug pulling is just shooting themselves. They can only do it once, and there will be no rich survivors from that trick.

They have a tiger by the tail...

Well, I view the Berlin Wall as a ruse to allow "the death of Communism" to foil resistance and allow it to move into western societies unopposed. But, I get what you are saying, bro. They better be darned sure that's what they want, because once they go underground there will be no coming back out for a long, long time.

lol- yeah not a good example - I thought that when I posted, but you get the idea! lol

I did. Yep. (I also suspected you probably thought exactly as you did after posting it.... Scary isn't it..."Great minds...")

I actually thought it as I was pressing slamming your car door shut, just as you remember you keys are in the ignition..

I think it is too far fetched an idea.

this could be serious. they start this thing and there will be no where to hide. and Trump likes to fulfill campaign promises but this is one he totally changed on when he got in office.

It really is scary this group of people get together every year to determine our fate. Most of us aren’t as smart as the Bildeberger group, but I like to pretend I am running my own life. Lol! How about you? 🐓🐓

Actually, they aren't all that smart. They just serve the second-highest power in the universe who directs all their actions.

Ok you got me there the second highest power? I am guessing you mean money.🐓🐓

Beelzebub...The Lord of the Flies.