A show just for us

in #politics2 months ago

My mother has always made it a point to remind me, even when I was too young to quite get it, that no politician is to be trusted fully. That there are always deals happening behind close doors that us the plebs are not privy to, and thus we should "believe" them cautiously.

Screenshot 2025-01-10 180749.png

We have to consider the possibility, the very likely possibility, that much of the "political battle" has more to do with the bourgeoisie keeping us simpletons too entertained to see them running out the back with the bags of money.

And things like this surely remind me of that often forgotten fact.

Where is the certificate?

I'm old enough to remember when Trump would tweet up a storm claiming that Barack HUSSEIN Obama (emphasis on the middle name, of course), was an illegitimate president and needed to be ousted.

Many, including myself to be honest, saw it more like his racist nature showing through the cracks in the walls. But, eventually, and without a resolution it seems, it all went away. AND, AND... we are to accept all is goods now; Trumpy and Obummer is good friends is all.

Did you hear the one about Carter?

I have to say that on the one hand, I'm glad people acted in a civil manner on such an important event. Say what you will of Jimmy Carter's administration, I have my critiques as well, but the man's heart was made of gold.

But on the other hand, I surely did not expect the Trumpster to be all buddy buddies with Obamna (as he called him). Sitting next to each other and seemingly making plans to continue a very important conversation away from prying eyes.

Catching some footage of the event on my feed made my head turn in the same way that confused puppy stares at a human wearing a chimichanga on his head.

Who can read lips here?

Trump leaned toward Obama and said,

“I’ve pulled out of that. It’s the conditions. Can you imagine that?”


Obama laughed as Trump added,

“and after, I will,”

Obama then said,

“can you just … it should be good.”

“I can’t talk, we have to find a quiet place sometime. This is a matter of importance and we need to do this outside so that we can deal with it, certainly, today,”

Trump said, as Obama nodded.

Shortly after...

“Call me at the foy after, yep,” Trump replied to Obama

The lip reader also interpreted Obama as saying

“listen to me, it’s a chore, a chore”

Trump replying,

“Yeah, right. I can’t think of anything that’s a chore.”

I need a tall glass of Kool Aid and a Ham sandwich

As of me writing this, there's no official pronouncement from either the Trump team or the Obama people, but I'm sure they are trying to come up with the best logical pretzel money can buy.

What are we to think? How can you or I interpret these conversations in a favorable way?

Behind the curtain

There obviously something big there and I will never accept us dismissing it like it's just taco Tuesdays.

But I also know, I'm not going to get any answers that will satisfy me, because as it happens every time we get a sneak peak behind the curtain, the spin machine gets turned up to 11, until all the bs gets so confusing we move on to other things.




very likely possibility, that much of the "political battle" has more to do with the bourgeoisie keeping us simpletons too entertained to see them running out the back with the bags of money

Hasn't it always been this way? It always goes back to class warfare.

right... at time we forget it's all a show and think some of the fights are real...

I was wondering what was written in the program that transfixed Melania so completely?

The rest of it is just theater. I didn't even watch. Not my kind of show. I don't know what you thought of Carter, but I loved him. A lot of people will never be infected with Guinea worm because of him.

I think Jimmy Carter's mistakes (he made a few) do little to nothing to stain his memory.

He was involved helping people, building housing almost all the way until the end of his life.

Also, found out recently btw, he put solar panels on the white house in his administration and was attempting to move the country in that direction. Reagan had them removed because it's Reagan after all, but the forward thinking is something to still applaud.

He wasn't a great president, because at heart he wasn't a political animal. If you put a Buddhist monk in a den of cannibals, the monk will be devoured. However, Carter was an exemplary world citizen. He didn't see himself as merely American, but as human. His vision was too broad for Washington, which seems to winnow the humanity out of those who stay too long.

"Trumpy and Obummer is good friends is all."

Yes, because both of them have worked with criminals just like themselves all their professional lives. Obama is foreign born, was illegally elected anyway, and got away with it. Because he got away with it, Trump admires him. Trump admires winners.
