BLM is black Supremacy

in #politics4 years ago (edited)


If there is one universal truth about racism -- it’s that they are -- by nature -- tribalistic. They identify with theirr tribe -- whatever that tribe may be. In a monoracial society -- tribalist loyalties can form around clans -- nations -- religions -- classes -- or even actual tribes -- as is the case in many places in Africa. In multiracial societies -- however -- everything boils down to race. And in such a milieu -- when all things are equal -- it’s hard for people to value outgroup lives over ingroup lives.

Of course -- unequal circumstances can override tribalism -- such as when the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan disavowed the black Beltway Snipers in 2002 but acknowledged ties to them anyway. Say what you wish about Farrakhan -- but in this instance -- cold-blooded mass murder overrode his usual intense tribalism for the black race.

In the case of Black Lives Matter -- however -- tribalism tends to trump unequal circumstances. In fact -- this is becoming more and more the rule for these people -- given how they are less and less interested in hearing about how unequal the circumstances really are. By “unequal --” I mean the obscene propensity they have for worshippping murderers and rapists. And their tendency towards terrorirstic acts such as the creation of “chaz” -a mini communist community in the center of a city. Complete with gangs and crime and violence- or the burning down of cities over conspiracy theories about the police. No group of people in the United States commits violent crime at the rate of blm — both against their own ingroup and against outgroups.

As a result, people have good reason to be wary of them. They commit violence due to an ingroup bias in support of criminals who police of all races often have good reason to use force, even lethal force, when apprehending. Including george floyd: an ex con wife beater who stole from a store and had been careying lethal amounts of illegal febtanyl. Watching the video of his arrest the police are nothing but courteous as he attempts to flee several times.. And yet when he did eventually overdose after resisting arrest they refuse to see him for what he was.. A criminal resisting arrest who overdosed on drugs.. instead they choose toide with him against the rest of America because of an in-group bias.. otherwise known as black Supremacy.. the vast majority of the people that the police shoot are people that have already committed crimes first first and had been showing themselves to be a danger t themselves and others.. with no evidence that police Target black people in anyway.. and black people are far more likely than white people to commit hate crimes.. with black hate groups growing at an exponential rate. These points BLM activists simply ignore. and instead focus on examples of perceived white-on-black crime as an excuse to further their tribalist agenda promoted by democrat media outlets..

If they can make white people as a race feel guilt and shame over these perceived injustices- then whites will become more easily subjugated. And if some whites waffle over this (as conservatives tend to do) — a little violence and intimidation will certainly nudge them in the right direction. In fact, the best way to nudge white people in the right direction is through violence and intimidation.

Case in point is Garrett Rolfe, the Atlanta police officer who justifiably shot a black named Rayshard Brooks in a Wendy’s parking lot, a man who had been driving drunk and resisting arrest. Not only did Rolfe lose his job, but he’s now facing a murder charge which could bring the death penalty. Soon after the incident, “protesters” burned the Wendy’s down and faced no charges as a result. Popular opinion, in the press at least, supports the arsonists, their BLM enablers, and whatever deep pockets enable BLM.

The message could not be clearer: Do not fuck with us.

How’s that for violence and intimidation?

American Renaissance recently called attention to another incident in which Lee Fang, a journalist for The Intercept, tweeted a video of a light-skinned black man questioning why black lives seem to matter to blacks only when whites take them.

It’s a reasonable question, and he asked it politely, but did not skirt around the fact that blacks murder blacks at a much higher rate than whites do. For this, Fang nearly lost his job (a black co-worker complained) and was forced to make a groveling apology. His sin was to cast light on the inequality of the circumstances which could only underscore the absurdity of black people complaining about violence from whites. It does not matter that the man in Fang’s tweet was making valid points. What does matter is BLM’s ultimate goal of subjugating of whites, which Fang’s tweet was undermining.

The American Rennaisance piece also mentions an incident involving David Shor, a data scientist who had worked on Barack Obama’s reelection campaign. Shor simply tweeted data which reveals that peaceful protests are more likely to swing elections in the Democrats’ favor than violent ones.

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this, he was fired. He was fired, in essence, for questioning the violence that BLM uses to achieve their conquest of whites. It doesn’t matter whether Shor even agrees with this goal (and the echo signaling in his Twitter handle indicates that he probably does). What matters is that Shor was looking to impede the use of violence as a means to the BLM end. And since violence is central to the existence of BLM, he cannot be forgiven.

Third example can be Obama’s black supremacist supporters. With countless videos of them outright being racist against white people period. If a white person still on a street corner shouting KKK slogans they would be locked up.. But a black person can literally stand on the street in New York City shouting black supremacist slogans and nobody does anything.. don’t lose their jobs.. They don’t gained National media attention.. They aren’t targeted by far-left soros-funded prosecutors..

Butt if Black Lives Matter is not a black supremacist organization, why does it prop itself up with lies and insist on the use of force and destruction? Is it doing all of this merely to achieve political and financial equality with whites — as if once they achieve this noble goal they’ll just pump their brakes and willingly disband? It’s ridiculous to even consider.

No. Black Lives Matter and groups like them will never stop.

from leaders have admitted it.. making ridiculous demands such as white people giving all of their money and houses to black people..

When looked at from an non-partisan perspective, we have a distinct and contrasting group (black Supremacists) competing for control over a political ecosystem (the United States). The normal people have the advantages of numbers and wealth- but each of these are dwindling. Blm on the other hand- have the advantage of ethnocentrism- and that’s certainly growing. Have the advantage of a system designed to protect and promote black Supremacy.. One that rewards black people for speaking against white people and punishes white people who so much as question it.. Black Lives Matter is the tip of the spear of black ethnocentrism. Its key animating principle- as with all tribalist initiative — is to value ingroup lives over outgroup ones. “Black Lives Matter. . More Than White Ones”” is what the organization should be named. They are far more racist than the people they condemn and they seek nothing less than conquest.

In so many word: black supremacy.

Of course -- there is more to this picture. Many billionaires play a role -- either in funding BLM -- demonstrating along with them -- or cheering them on from their perches in the mainstream media. Liberalss -- by and large -- have always shared the same anti-white agenda as blm -- and so this alliance is as strong as ever — despite the spate of black-on-white and black committed anti-semitic hate crimes violence from earlier in the year. Hispanics and Middle Eastern Muslims are as ethnocentric as blacks are -- and they are wary of BLM causing havoc in their neighborhoods. At the same time -- these groups will not lift a finger to save communities caught in the BLM bind.

As for how whites should respond to this outrage -- the first needs to be to unshackle themselves of guilt. Blms heroes perform get arrested and shot due mostly to their perpensity for crime. They are very rarely “innocent black people minding thwir own business”.. they are almost always ex-cons resisting arrest- active threats charging at police with a knife and refusing orders.. or drivers attempting to shoot police.. These are factors over which whites have no control. If anything -- whites have done more than any other group to protect them from themselves (through strong policing: something most black people even support.. These are factors over which whites have no control. If anything -- whites have done more than any other group to protect them from themselves (through strong policing: something most black people even support) and to bestow influence -- wealth -- and power upon them which they do not earn (through affirmative action and various wealth-distribution programs). Whites have had a net positive effect on blacks -- and should -- therefore -- view these riots as a betrayal -- not a comeuppance. And if anyone wishes to bring up how whites should pay for the legacy of slavery -- whites should simply point out that the Black Lives Matter does not care about slavery. If they did -- they’d move to Africa and start riots in places like Eritrea -- Burundi -- and Sudan -- where slavery is still rampant..

No -- BLM would rather cause trouble in one of the few places on Earth where blacks prosper and where all white slaveowners have been dead for well over a century. This is not about slavery per se. It is about using a long-defunct system of slavery as an evolutionary weapon against white people.

Whites next need to realize that they are in a demographic war against people who want them dead or subservient - and everyone in America must realize that it is not white vs Black.. It is Americans versus anti-american black Supremacists.. BLM leadership nearly always acts on its tribalism and will continue to take take take from whitey as long as whitey is willing to give give give — or even if whitey is not willing to give. Essentiallythey want power over whites. And they will get it and exploit it ruthlessly if American let them. The overarching goal of america from now on should be not to let them. White ppl must realize that they are American too-- and there is no future for whites when groveling at the feet of violen barbaric people who despise them.

Another thing whites can do is to start talking about black supremacy and viewing all anti-white actions on the part of blacks as this very thing. Whether it’s crime -- affirmative action -- welfare -- gun control -- or any initiative that puts blacks above whites -- whites should view this as black supremacy. It’s not enough to call it racist or anti-white. No -- it’s black supremacy. This a pertinent distinction -- because a year ago Congress unanimously condemned white supremacy. And if they condemn white supremacy -- then it is not too much of stretch for them to condemn black supremacy as well. Further -- accusing BLM of black supremacy takes whites out of the equation and forces its supporters to prove how BLM is not a supremacist organization.

Good luck with that.

Further -- imagine hundreds of irate voters calling their white representatives each day demanding that they condemn the black supremacy of Black Lives Matter. Maybe eventually there will be someone crazy enough to actually do it. Like this guy.

Finally -- in the face of the encroaching black supremacy of Black Lives Matter -- Americans should prepare for the worst and stock up on ammo. Because when the revolution comes -- it’s gonna come fast


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