The president is a failure, the whole world need a new financial system now or it is to late and the cryptocurrencys will rise to the moon.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Obama must be ousted, regardless of time left, if there is to be any functioning New Presidency in the United States during the period ahead. His Presidency has been a failure, one which is wreaking havoc, death, and chaos on the United States and the world through illegal wars, bailouts, drone attacks, destruction of healthcare, drug-related deaths, unemployment, and Obama’s personal psychotic pathology. As the nations of Eurasia, under the leadership of President Putin, construct a new strategic and economic system, Obama should be condemned for what he is, an abject failure and servant of the dying British Monarchy.

The critical flank to avoid nuclear world war and financial chaos due to Obama’s failed Presidency, is the development of a new financial architecture, and this is the leading discussion among world leaders during the many international summits over the months of September and October.

President Xi Jinping of China intends to put the critical issue of a new system on the agenda of the upcoming G-20 Summit in Hangzhou. The official China media, joined by top Russian analysts, have made clear that any such new and viable system must include the United States—this means that the U.S. must abandon its delusions of ruling a unipolar world, which no longer exists, and begin collaborating with major nations for a new and just economic system.

It is the ongoing collaboration between the leadership of Russia and China on a new economic system and urgent structural changes to the global financial system which is of the utmost importance. This was highlighted in China’s Xinhua Newswire on August 24th entitled, “Interview: Russia, China should cooperate within G20 to tackle challenges,” with Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council, an agency close to the Russian Foreign Ministry. He is quoted as saying, “The longer those reforms are postponed, the higher the risk of new crises and instability in the world economy.” And then later, “If today Beijing and Moscow offer their concept of stability to the international community, it is not just empty words, but proposals based on many successful experiences.”

There can be no real success of long term and global economic growth without a new financial architecture, and this requires the participation of the true United States, i.e. minus Obama. This was implicitly acknowledged by Kortunov, who noted that the U.S. can be “a complex, and sometimes unpredictable partner,” yet he says, “Both Russia and China should consistently seek common ground with Washington, and avoid crises, without making concessions on matters of principle.”

A second Xinhua commentary that same day, also regarding the G20, assailed the “over-reliance on monetary policy” and the focus on “markets” as opposed to “nations”—at the expense of policies aiming for real physical economic growth and based on technological innovation. “China will use the conference to spur dialogue among developed and developing countries around the potential to foster growth through reforms and innovation,” Xinhua announced.

According to the Wall Street Journal, it was at the request of China, that a recent report was issued by the Bank of International Settlements, warning that there are no mechanisms in place at this time which can prevent a blow-out of the $600 trillion-plus global financial derivatives bubble, should there be any major party default on a derivatives contract. Business Insider, in what could be described as a painful understatement, was forced to admit that the results of that survey “are slightly terrifying,” because if the clearing houses fail to handle a crisis, then derivatives become “unexploded nuclear bombs nestling deep in the financial system.” The Wall Street Journal further notes that China has placed the safety of central clearing houses “high on the agenda” of the upcoming G-20 summit.

There is now increasing and widespread belief among the trans-Atlantic elite that Europe and the U.S. are on the very edge of financial blowout, the magnitude of which is only equal to their denial of the global consequences and the collapse of western dominance. Bloomberg reported Tuesday, August 23, that Deutsche Bank, Barclays and Credit Suisse combined are sitting on $102.5 billion in “Level 3” assets, i.e assets which are illiquid, without market value and cannot be dumped in a crisis. The Economist headlined its Aug. 20-26 issue “Nightmare on Main Street,” warning that the blowout of the $26 trillion U.S. housing market, with a mountain of derivatives and other non-bank securitized gambling paper, is again ready to blow.

With the entire political and financial class increasingly discredited the only remaining option is the immediate reinstatement of Glass-Steagall full bank separation in the United States, and identical implementation throughout Europe. Glass-Steagall, followed by a jubilee debt write-off for the developing nations, as with Alfred Herrhausen’s policy in 1989, and the extension of long-term credit for industrial and scientific development, are just some of the first and indispensable steps towards the creation of a new global financial architecture, and the prerequisite for a new cultural paradigm for all of mankind.

The foundations for such a new global financial and economic architecture have been well-established, through the growing integration of Eurasia, through cooperation among the Eurasian Economic Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS, ASEAN, et al. China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative, based on Lyndon and Helga LaRouche’s original mid-1990s concept of the Eurasian Landbridge, is the principle upon which this Eurasian and potentially global development is premised.

As the President of Mexico Jose Lopez-Portillo once said, “It is now time to listen to the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche!”   


Discovering Humanity's True Nature: The Case of Einstein

by Jason Ross

The author is a founding member of the LaRouchePAC science research team, also known as “The Basement.”

August 23 — With the collapse of the trans-Atlantic system of finance and geo-politics, and the rise of a new system of physical economic and scientific development, centered in Russia and China, we are confronted by the need to develop an adequate concept of the human individual and of relations among people. Statesman Lyndon LaRouche points to the personality of Albert Einstein as key to providing such an outlook.

Why Einstein? What role can he serve today? First, some misconceptions must be cleared away. On August 15, LaRouche remarked that “very few people understand Einstein. They make up myths about him and explain everything in terms of what he was suspected of doing, which is nothing of the kind... he's a scientist who had a reach beyond what other scientists had achieved.” We must focus not on the scientific principles themselves, but on the increase of mankind's devotion to mankind.

Einstein is not an eccentric creator of abstract concepts, irrelevant to our lives. His work on relativity and quantum phenomena have been verified by countless experiments and serve as a basis for understanding nuclear reactions, particle physics, gravitational waves, and astronomy—everything from the very small to the very large—including even the proper functioning of the GPS system.

Considering Einstein as a complete individual reveals a thinker concerned with justice, an opponent of militarism in Europe which allowed the two World Wars, a supporter of the civil rights movement in the U.S., a serious musician whose love of Mozart and the violin directly contributed to his scientific work, and a courageous fighter who stood up for what he considered to be the truth in any field.

Throughout Einstein’s life, LaRouche emphasizes, he understood that “the object of mankind is not to reproduce human individuals; the process of mankind is a higher one. It's the ability to generate and develop children who are geniuses in one degree or another.” But Einstein is not concerned with the individual child; “he’s concerned with what is necessary to induce in the members of the population, a kind of creativity which is immortal. And that's what he did.”

Einstein was, from an early age, conscious of his devotion to this process of development. In his “Autobiographical Notes” he remarks, “Even when I was a fairly precocious young man, the nothingness of hopes and strivings, which chases most people restlessly through life, came to my consciousness with considerable vitality.” Rather, he decided to devote himself to “the contemplation of the huge world, the vast riddle of the Universe around us,” which “road to paradise of knowledge” was one that he “never regretted having chosen.”

It’s NOT ‘All Relative’

While the space available here is too brief to address Einstein's work in any great detail, a central theme can be addressed: the relationship of the developing human mind to the universe in which we live. This consideration is central to his work both on relativity and on quantum phenomena.

Contrary to popular gossip, Einstein did not prove that everything is “relative.” While his theory of relativity reveals that such measurable values as distances and times may vary depending on the motion and gravitational field of the vantage-point of the observer measuring them, the conclusions of reason, in order to comprehend physical processes, are universal. The same truthful conclusions, which cannot come directly from observation, can be reached by any observer in any reference frame; it is mind (reason) that is invariant, not space or time.

In the world of quantum phenomena, a field that Einstein pioneered, he became an outcast in the latter half of his life by his refusal to accept the prevailing theory of quantum mechanics, i.e., the “Copenhagen interpretation,” according to which, only observations are real, and the concept of reality independent of observation loses any meaning. Science was recast, not as an understanding of what is (of reality), but merely what we can say about events (of observations).

Einstein never accepted this abandonment of the concept of reality, and instead insisted that our understanding of the quantum world was simply incomplete. Although the quest for knowledge will never be complete, there can be no true aspect of the universe fundamentally unknowable to the developing minds of human beings.

Einstein Today

This great genius of the last century is the more remarkable for what followed him, or rather what failed to follow him. Within the shift in thinking at the turn of the twentieth century, especially towards mathematics and away from reality, both in physics and culturally—in essence, a rejection of mind as a component of the universe—Einstein stands out as a courageous pioneer demonstrating precisely that power of mind. His work ushered in a total reappraisal of the most basic concepts of science: those of space, time, energy and matter, and he continues to inspire new experiments offering new potentials for discovery, e.g. the construction and successful application of the LIGO project to detect gravitational waves. Why has the world not seen his equal since?

Reached for comment today on Einstein’s present-day importance, Lyndon LaRouche responded that the focus must be on developing mankind's power to discover his own nature, via children who go beyond their parents. That process, that rate of fostering creativity in future generations, is a measure of development. He concluded, "It's not Einstein's mathematics; it's the self-creation of the human species. That defines the nature of the human individual."

Be like Einstein: be a mensch.

Q: What inspired these concerts on 9-11? Why Mozart's Requiem?

It has long been my conviction that any Classical requiem, and Mozart’s in particular, should always be dedicated to the memory of the life of a particular person or persons. After all, Mozart himself, as he composed it on his deathbed, knew that he was celebrating his own life and his imminent death. Regardless of whether or not the Requiem is part of a religious service—as it will be when we perform it on September 11 at St. Joseph Cathedral in Brooklyn—the Requiem is a deeply sacred work which should never be performed for mere entertainment.

This idea has always guided the LaRouche movement’s performances of this work. The first time was in the Spring of 1985, when we performed it in memory of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who had been assassinated the previous October. It was these performances, in tandem with Lyndon LaRouche’s now-famous collaboration with President Reagan on the Strategic Defense Initiative for peace and development, which put the LaRouche movement squarely on the map as a significant force of change.

I had similar thoughts in 2013, when we considered how to honor the life of President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated 50 years earlier. We discovered that in January 1964, the Requiem was performed under Erich Leinsdorf’s baton at the Holy Cross Cathedral in Boston, with the Kennedy family present, and we decided to perform it in that same cathedral, on the same day, exactly 50 years later. You can view that historic performance on the Schiller Institute website.

So, when we began discussing how to help give closure and justice to those who perished in the attacks 15 years ago—and also those who died in the aftermath, and who continue to suffer and die—Mozart’s Requiem was the obvious choice.

Q; Your chorus sings, and your orchestra will play at a lower tuning of A at 432 Hz. Why?

This is the tuning preferred by all the great Classical composers, and which Giuseppe Verdi demanded be adopted as a new standard for Italy. Since the mid-1980s, the Schiller Institute has been campaigning to replace A=440 Hz and higher - considerably higher in some cities in Europe nowadays - with this Verdi tuning, also known as the scientific tuning, as the new international standard, because it uniquely maximizes the beauty and freedom of the human singing voice. In the 1990s, I co-authored a book containing hundreds of examples demonstrating this principle, and virtually all the great Classical singers of that era signed a petition demanding a return to sanity in tuning, and a warning that failure to do so would result in the disappearance of truly great Verdi voices.

It has taken some time, but many musicians around the world now realize that we are right and are edging toward the new standard.

Q: You are also performing four Negro spirituals…

It’s a long story, which goes back to the Schiller Institute’s work with the progeny of Antonin Dvorak’s famous visit to America and his work with the African-American intelligentsia, as typified by the composer Harry Burleigh, and their effort to found a National Conservatory of Music. This grouping realized that the Negro spirituals, as popularized by the Fisk Jubilee Singers, were not merely songs of protest against oppression, but that when they are performed properly, they contain an assertion of humanity which rises above race and nationality. The Schiller Institute worked closely for many years with a remarkable woman, Sylvia Olden Lee, whose father sang in with the Fisk group, and who was associated with an equally remarkable network of Classically-trained African-American artists such as Robert McFerrin and William Warfield. Sylvia, Robert, and Bill are now in heaven; however, there are still many who were touched by their genius, and we are now working with a number of them to foster the proper performance of these songs, which resonate within all people who seek something more than mere entertainment.

2016: America’s Moment of Decision

by Diane Sare

This article is the fourth in a series of writings which are presented by the LaRouchePAC National Policy Committee, in direct collaboration with Lyndon LaRouche, as part of his campaign to create the New American Presidency. The first three can be found on

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Oh, sometimes, it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

(Traditional Spiritual)

In November 2000, just days before the ill-fated US Presidential Election—ill-fated because like today, there is no possible winning outcome—Lyndon LaRouche wrote an extraordinary and prescient paper entitled, “Politics as Art,” which concludes, “…There is a precious lesson to be learned by all citizens and other residents of the United States, especially those oppressed by the ruinous policy-trends of the past thirty-five years, from, among relevant other sources, the polished form of what is called the Negro Spiritual.”

Sixteen years later I believe that this is more urgently true than at the time LaRouche wrote that earlier paper, which is why the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus is learning several African-American Spirituals as part of the upcoming 9-11 Memorial Series of concerts featuring the Mozart Requiem.

Review what has happened since that dreadful November 2000 non-election, and reflect on Mr. LaRouche’s forecasts every step of the way. The first forecast LaRouche made about the 2000 election was that no one would actually win. In fact, it was weeks before George W. Bush was declared the winner.

Then, when Ashcroft was named as possible US Attorney General, LaRouche warned on January 3, 2001, that this regime would only be able to govern through “Nazi tactics” and “crisis management” following a “Reichstag Fire event.” Just nine months later, on September 11, 2001, four planes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Towers in Manhattan, the Pentagon, and one crashed in Shanksville, PA. All the passengers and hijackers were incinerated. Thousands more were killed in the buildings that were struck.

Rather than launch a full investigation into the role of Saudi Arabia, which was home to 15 of the 19 hijackers, as well as Saudi-British deals like the Prince Bandar/Margaret Thatcher “Al Yamamah” oil for weapons deal - which created a giant slush fund capable of financing such an attack—Vice President Dick Cheney blocked all references to the Saudis, and instead sought to focus on Iraq.

By March of 2003, with substantial prodding and complicity from the now-thoroughly-discredited and incriminated then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a full invasion of Iraq was begun. On April 3, 2003, Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed on BBC about his opposition to the Iraq war and he identified explicitly the role of Vice President Dick Cheney, who had moved after September 11, 2001 to get his 1991 war plan back on track.

Also in 2003, on July 17th, former UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelley turned up dead after publicly accusing Tony Blair of sexing-up documents purporting to prove that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. Kelley’s death was officially declared a suicide, but a team of medical doctors and others have subsequently expressed serious doubts that he could have died in the manner claimed by members of the Tony Blair Government. He was most likely murdered.

As of June, 2016, nearly 4,500 Americans have been killed in Iraq. The suicide rate of Veterans in the United States is now over 8,000 per year. The suicide rates in the general population have increased significantly, as have rates of death by heroin overdose and alcoholism.

This increase in the death rate has occurred for two reasons. One, the satanically evil policies of the Bush and Obama Administrations, Presidents who were tools of the British Monarchy, with policies enforced by Wall Street and the FBI; and two, up until now, the American people have chosen to capitulate to Wall Street and Hollywood-funded-and-orchestrated public opinion.

Think about what Americans have willingly gone along with in the last 15 years.

Remember the 2008 TARP? In July of 2007, Lyndon LaRouche warned that the entire trans-Atlantic system was completely bankrupt, nothing could be done to save it, and he put forward the “Homeowners and Bank Protection Act” to halt foreclosures and reorganize the banking system under Glass-Steagall standards. Even though thousands of bankers and mortgage brokers had been engaged in outright theft and fraud, no major banker has yet been jailed. Instead the very institutions and individuals which created the mess received billions upon billions of dollars of bailouts and bonuses, creating unbearable inflationary expenses for the average American, as millions were expelled from their homes. Did Americans object?

No. They decided to go along with then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson—who has just endorsed Hillary Clinton for President—when he threatened the Congress there would be riots in the streets if Wall Street did not get this money, and that the first $700 billion simply had to be issued, and then the next one, and the next one…

The American people gave Cheney and Bush their permission to torture prisoners in their name at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere. They went along with Obama’s bombing of Libya for 250 days, which the Congress never authorized, they accepted Susan Rice’s lies about the video that caused the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, and they went along with the ludicrous idea that we could have a health care system run by the IRS.

It was exactly this mini-Dark Age which LaRouche foresaw when he wrote in the the aforementioned paper, "Tomorrow, U.S. election-day, November 7, 2000, we shall witness an awful real-life tragedy on the world stage, the threat, if not yet the actuality of a new dark age. That threat is today's outgrowth of a long-standing, widespread violation of those Classical principles of statecraft which every citizen should have been given the right to know…"

If Americans understood Classical Drama, they would recognize that The United States of America no longer runs global policy. There is a new leadership on the planet which represents 70-plus nations and two thirds of the world’s people. This leadership is embodied in Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China.

Particularly since August of last year when President Putin visited China for the spectacular V-J Day parade, these two heads of state have been running circles around the western leaders, including an increasingly desperate President Barack Obama who, thanks to his own gigantic ego, still has yet to realize how badly he has been defeated.

It was Putin’s announcement at last year’s UN General Assembly to form a coalition against terror, starting with defeating ISIS in Syria, which created the anvil against which the LaRouche organization would hammer against Obama’s protection of the Saudi and British apparatus, the very nexus which ran the 9-11 attacks 15 years ago.

Under these conditions, Obama could no longer avoid the release of the famous 28 pages of the 9-11 Joint Congressional Inquiry which, contrary to US-based media reports, are devastating to the Saudi Royal Family as well as to the FBI and CIA which have perpetrated, to this day, a cover-up of the Saudi-British role on behalf of both the Bush Administration and the British Empire.

Although the American people are arguably more insane now than at any time in history, all is not lost. Thanks to the collaboration of Putin and Xi and the tireless commitment of Lyndon LaRouche over decades, we are presented with the opportunity to break from this misery and chart a new course toward a bright future. With the release of the 28 pages, justice is closer in the 9-11 case, and Glass-Steagall is a policy plank in both major party platforms. But to claim the victory, Americans have to remember what it is to be human—i.e., that human beings are NOT animals. That we are creative, and that this creativity is fueled by a love of our fellow man, and a love of mankind and posterity.

It was not the atrocity committed on September 11, 2001 that nearly destroyed our Republic, but our inaction in the face of a great evil - an evil which claimed the lives of thousands of our own citizens - which has rendered us almost unsalvageable.

This is why the African-American Spirituals, in their Classical form as developed by the collaborators of Dvorak, are so important to our survival. When I was directing a predominantly African-American chorus in Washington, D.C., Sylvia Olden Lee would visit, and she would say to the members of the chorus, “Remember your Aunt Hattie.” And she would clutch her hands together into her stomach and bow her head as if remembering some distant painful sacrifice made by those who came before.

Sylvia, and Robert McFerrin and Bill Warfield, whom I had the pleasure of observing both in performance and as teachers, conveyed very clearly that these songs are not slave songs. These are songs of noble human beings unjustly held in bondage, who are expressing their dignity and confidence in their own immortality. As Dr. Eugene T. Simpson, who was a trusted collaborator of Hall Johnson writes in his book, “The Hall Johnson Concert Spirituals,” "Perhaps the most important thing to remember in interpreting the spirituals is that they are not songs of defeat, but songs of survival.” I would go farther and say that these are songs of triumph of justice against evil, and the victory of the human spirit.

As we organize the people of Manhattan and the surrounding areas to participate in the Schiller Institute Chorus, or sign the LaRouchePAC petition to get justice for the victims of 9-11 by ensuring that such a thing never happens again, we discover a population that has not been able to reconcile their emotions, or been able to come to terms with what occurred on that horrible day, and the fact that nothing has ever been done about it.

The African slaves and their descendants who created and sang the Spirituals under conditions of horrific physical deprivation, torture, and captivity succeeded in keeping their dignity and immortality as human beings with a direct relationship to God.

Mastery of these songs, in their polished form as developed by Hall Johnson, Burleigh and others, is a pathway for Americans to access their own humanity. Once this spark has been reignited, as we saw in Selma in 1965 and in Berlin in 1989, the people will no longer accommodate injustice. We are almost there.

Were you there when they rolled the stone away?

Were you there when they rolled the stone away?

Oh, sometimes, it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.

You were there when they rolled the stone away

(Spiritual as sung by Elvira Green)


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