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RE: Do you have a right to smoke?

in #politics7 years ago

I believe people have the right to use tobacco, and have personally found that smoking helps to manage the psychological challenges I experience as a result of living with a horrifically painful and incurable illness. So for me, tobacco is medicine. But since 9 out of 10 cigarettes in the US are manufactured and sold by a single evil megacorp, and these cigarettes contain tobacco grown and processed in ways that make it far more toxic than it otherwise would be, I can understand the biases against it.

I do not believe people have the right to ruin the air's quality for others. I'm happy to respect others' health by not smoking where it would negatively impact the air quality for others. And yet, personal automobiles, coal burning, and a wide variety of industrial practices do far more damage to the air's quality than secondhand tobacco smoke. But smokers are more likely to be of low income, and it is easier to attack the habits of poor people than it is to do something substantive about air pollution.


Tabacco for pain?

Yes - to maintain clear enough thinking to work while experiencing severe pain.