Excellent post! Thank you for linking me to it. I'm now a follower. I'm curious why support Trump over someone like Gary who has already committed to working for the abolishment of many federal government agencies? As an anarchist, I probably won't vote for any rulers, but this whole post had me up until that moment. Trump, to me, seems like a psychotic liar just like any other establishment candidate.
Either way, great resource with lots of really good information. Thank you! It took me years to consume all this stuff to understand what's going on a bit more. I also enjoyed the Money as Debt animated series along with James Rickards' The Death of Money and Currency Wars.
Excellent. Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad you are even thinking about how your vote could count in achieving direction towards an anarchist's views. Thanks for following and I have already written my next post but probably have someone edit it first. It will be some of the same but drilling down into the evidences.