Sum of the days represents about 30% of the year. Mark them in your diary today!
- Celebrate Bisexuality Day: 23 September
- Bisexual Awareness Week: 23 -30 September
- Day of Silence: April, GLSEN's Day of Silence is an organizing tool to end the silencing effect of anti-LGBTQ bias.
- Harvey Milk Day: May 22
- Holocaust Remembrance Day: persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.
- Human Rights Day: 10 December
- International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia: 17 May
- International Stand Up to Bullying Day: Third Friday of November and last Friday of February
- International Transgender Day of Visibility: 31 March
- Intersex Awareness Day: 26 October
- Intersex Day of Remembrance (Intersex Solidarity Day): 8 November
- Irish Marriage Referendum: 22 May
- Lesbian Visibility Day: 26 April
- LGBT History Month (USA): October
- LGBT History Month (UK): February
- LGBT Pride Month: June
- National Coming Out Day: 11 October
- Pulse Night of Remembrance: 12 June
- Spirit Day: 19 October
- Stonewall Riots Anniversary: 28 June
- Transgender Awareness Week: Week Typically second week of November
- World AIDS Day: 1 December
- Zero Discrimination Day: 1 March
Just in case you weren't aware...
...(who rules over you).
I'm so triggered right now.
That gives me a great idea for a new international day!

Well that's a lot of agenda 2030 tranny holidays isn't it?