
What's your reaction to the statistics that you're more likely to be killed by a baby than a terrorist, and that most mass shootings are by white men, not Arabs? I'm just curious how you square that. -- And I know that you responded to the article, but did you actually read it?

Anyone's ability to quantify the danger is extremely limited. It seems we agree that it is nonzero.

I submit that it is wrong to knowingly endanger people without their consent.

Yes, I read the article.

Tell that to the 50+ wounded at pulse night club in Florida. You're not more likely to be killed by a baby than a terrorist. It's irresponsible to spread lies around like that. There's no statistic that validates that. If a terrorist were in a room strapped with a bomb and a baby was in the room sucking a pacifier, the terrorist is more likely to kill you.

The argument you might make is that the count of terrorist related deaths is higher per capita, but that's not true either. It's only true in the United States, and it's only true because we stop them, unlike Europe.

In regards to mass shootings being mostly by white men in the US, that's also false. They're mostly caused by black men, because they're mostly caused by gangs, for instance in Chicago where more Americans have been shot dead than in the war in Iraq. They're simply not counted into the "mass shootings" because gang related violence is not counted. Aside from that, no one is concerned with solely shootings or terrorism. Mass importing another culture to replace another in a country of a particular ethnicity is wrong, it's genocide as defined by the United Nations themselves.