The Little Quiz in Political Philosophy

in #politics3 years ago (edited)


The Little Quiz in Political Philosophy is, as the name suggests, a little test in political philosophy (or 'politics' in general or even - as I would prefer - in the theory of optimal social order).
" The purpose of this quiz is to ask you some simple and short questions about your convictions. Maybe you can learn something new from it, also about yourself ... "
and that's precisely it. Too many people need to rethink their worldview, but it counterproductive and futile to try to shout at them that they are wrong. It's a much better idea to ... let them find their contradictions (between their morality and political convictions) by themselves.

If you know someone who can be 'converted' by this quiz, don't wait - share it with that person.


우수한 퀴즈 또는 설문 조사. 나는 그것을 친구들과 공유했고 그들은 그것을 좋아했습니다. 트위터에서 이러한 주장에 대한 훌륭한 반박인 것 같습니다.