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RE: My Campaign Platform

in #politics7 years ago

Dear Adam,

Can you tell us how you would go about eliminating the Federal Reserve?

And as a former military man, how would you "take down" the Fed when they have much more powerful bosses (the International Banking Cabal) that wouldn't easily give this up?

And which money would you install in lieu of Fed Notes? Would you simply follow the Constitution (of 1787) as was originally prescribed by the Founding Fathers? :

Article 1 – Section 8 – clause 5 of the Constitution states:

[The Congress shall have Power] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

Would your proposed money/currency have a gold or silver backing? How would it work? Would you want to do like JFK an issue silver-backed United States Notes issued by the Treasury?


I think these are critical issues that you would need to address in your campaign, no?

Just trying to help with your cause and campaign to make it even stronger.
