This is what is happening in Europe and I'm really glad to see that there are people out there from these countries that aren't being taken in by the media's bullshit. Unfortunately it really is like that, and the political class is just so fucking out of touch that they think these people who are coming in are just all poor refugees and migrants looking for a better life.
A percentage will just be normal people, but unfortunately it looks like the majority of them are frankly fraudsters looking to get welfare ( They target the UK in particular for this reason, going through several countries to get here ) or they are in some cases even dangerous as we have seen several attacks here in Europe.
I don't know how bad the situation is in America, personally I would gladly have Mexicans flooding my country rather than fanatical Muslims that want to kill us all and take over the country however here in Europe even if there are 'officially' border checks and migration controls in place with the way the political class has been blatantly ignoring and not checking the people pretty much swarming the border it's absolutely no wonder things have gone to shit the way they have.
I think the word you're looking for isn't necessarily 'racist', it's racial stereotyping. If Trump were to actually enact his policies and treat people differently in the law based on their ethnicity, then yeah, he'd be a racist.
The problem is the left in particular have been fucking around with the definitions of just about everything when it comes to politics so basically if you even make a dumb joke about Jews for example that's going to get you pinned as an evil neo-nazi. The same goes for all sorts of stuff like rape or sexual assault, they've expanded that definition and they genuinely consider words to be violence.
People need to just start making their own fucking opinions up about people like Trump, if he fucks up, fine, call him out on it and give proof. However don't resort to the fucking outright slander or hysterical bullshit like the media does over every little thing said especially when it's designed to piss them off in the first place.
It's getting so bad now that I'm actually having to defend Trump and even right wing Christians because the character attacks are just blatantly made up and unfair. Most people in regards to immigration just want proper checks to be done at the borders so dangerous people can't come in, it's amazing really how the left in particular has decided that anybody who doesn't want to get shot or decapitated is now a racist.
You are right, and racial stereotyping seems like a better word, although sadly, Trump did make some people who are actually racists rise against hispanics.
I share your opinion, Trump just wants to make sure the borders are safe, and hence his country is safe. Mexico has a lot of problems to deal with it, that I can assure as a mexican. Other countries should not have to suffer the consquences of our bad goverment.
I am really hoping that the situation in Europe gets better. As for America, we shall see what will happen in the following years with Trump government.
I know it must seem ridiculous, but it's really nice to see that coming from Mexico, because all we hear in the media constantly from the Mexican president and so on is how anybody who wants immigration control is an evil right wing neo-nazi and it is just total bullshit.
I suppose the ironic thing is because we really are getting the most dangerous lot from these countries is that I think your countries are probably going to end up safer because they're all coming over to our countries now instead to cause havoc because they know they'll get away with it.
I honestly think that's what's going to happen with ISIS, which is why things are going so well in Syria right now, ISIS as an organisation isn't necessarily that large but like most of these organisations there were plenty of Jihadists coming over to fight for their cause. These people will have seen the tide turning months ago and melted into the local population like they always do.
Sorry, I come at this from the European perspective because I'm British, so I don't know too much about the troubles the Mexicans and Americans are dealing with but compared to fanatical Muslims I would have thought that Mexicans would be pretty nice by comparison.