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RE: Is Taxation Theft?

in #politics7 years ago

Hypothetically: What if I come and I say I will kidnap you, if you don't pay me a some of money? Isn't that taxes? I am taxing you. The money will be used to fill in the pot holes on your street. I don't feel comfortable doing that but that is essentially what makes people pay taxes, isn't it?

One question is, is a government controlled by a banking cartel legitimate enough?


Well, I would say the money that you are holding is of other people and not yours. Considering tax amount as the govt's/country's share would be a better thing. I think this concept of govt. taking our money forcefully comes from the fact that we just don't want to contribute willingly. If taxes weren't there, then a country's development won't be there. And since people would never willingly do their contributions, force is required. That's just how we contribute....