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RE: Simple serious question: What has Donald Trump actually done wrong?

in #politics8 years ago

I blame Trump for those death because he is the Commander in Chief of the army who killed them.

ISIS existed before Hillary. They bloomed after the "defeat" of Al Kaida (which in turn only had 400 members when they attacked the World Trade Center)

The refugee crisis is the result of the US working against the Syrian president, who is a dictatorial autocrat but holded down ISIS more or less (because they threatened his powers).

The movement of the refugees to Europe is the simple result of "The West" to not pay 600 million Euro to the UN to pay for food in the shelters in and around Syria. The money run out and 2 month later 2 million Syrian refugees arrived at EU borders. Very surprisingly. Why didn't they just starve to death and solve the refugee problem themselves?

And regarding your rape epidemic: I guess that's same fox news alternative facts because I never heard of it and I live in the center of Europe.
For Germany the number of rapes in 2016 was indeed higher then 2015 - but lower then in 2012 and lower then in the 200X years.
Statistically speaking the influx of young male muslim immigrants has lowered the number of rapes per capita.
Which is of course Bullshit because that difference is just fluctuations.
That is especially true if you keep in mind that a high number of rapes are not going into the statistics because about 80% happen in Family/Friends.
Statistically speaking a girl is in more danger to be raped by her father then by any immigrant. Just mentioning.


Try checking @wikileaks. Hillary Clinton took a $28 million bribe from Qatar to execute regime change. Satanist George Soros printed Arabic pamphlets falsely telling Syrian refugees Europe would give them free housing.

Lastly, try using an internet search engine and the query 'European rape crisis!'

This is the mess crooked Hillary Clinton and incompetent Barack Obama left behind for President Trump to repair! The corrupt satanic Democrats brought the world untold misery!

Please, at least read what I write, OK? Did I ever say Hillary took no bribe or that regime change isn't the policy of the US since WWII (and they reason the US kicked out several democratic governments)?

falsely telling Syrian refugees Europe would give them free housing.
If you are an accepted refugeee - and fleeing from a war makes that - of course you get a roof over your head. O.o

And regarding your rape source: Yes, its likely correct that immigrants raped 160 woman. I would say more. But GERMANS ARE EVEN WORSE!!

Please, please, stop looking at single incidents and ignoring all the rest!
There are about 10.000 rapes reported to police every year - and happening maybe 50.000.
There are (statistically) also 160 rapes done by German-born police and judges. Do you hear about that rape crisis?