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RE: @ liberals

in #politics6 years ago

Being an anarchist does not need to be an Atheist. And even if you are, you can do swear to something nonexistant, why not?

You do know that fascism and socialism/communism are the same evil wearing different clothes?

I propose you read a bit of Marx. It may help correct your typical Red Scare Indoctrination world view.


And even if you are, you can do swear to something nonexistant, why not?

It's not logical.

People believe in homeopathy. They believe in aliens have taken over the US government. They believe in Trump draining the Swamp even now!!

Not a bad action towards a guy living on $10 a day, helping to pay his grandchild though school in se asia, eh?

Ya gotta love just how caring the commie is for the poor... uh?

And what connection this has is totally beyond me.

Any support from this attack would be appreciated...
What does this tell you...?

marx? - that guy who never worked, lived off the labors of the proletariat through the profits of his industrialist friends, and got an (unpaid) servant woman, pregnant - and threw her out into the street, with his bastard son?
..that marx?

I listen to people who live their principles..the rest is just intellectual ego masturbation.( imo.)

Marx worked. Becazuse of his work he had to flee to England.

And the ad hominem you throw around just shows you have no points to make.

ok mate, ok...