I'm not into that stuff, but let's say he tried and tries to deny 24 millions of people from healthcare, essentially killing a lot of them, would be quite bad in my eyes.
He also made a record - killed more then 200 civilists in Syria in one month alone, many of them children. He even beat Russia in that month.
The whole Comey thing. I am not in the position to say if that is really the worst thing a president has done since Watergate like that judge, but it really is not important if it is worse or not.
Oh, speaking of Comey, that guy refused to throw journalists in jail as the president Trump wanted.
And nearly unimportant in comparison, the idiotic Muslim and electronics bans. Has not killed anyone so far afaik, but it already cost millions.
Hillary Clinton started and funded ISIS in Syria @lennstar. It was all instigated to orchestrate regime change. I'm surprised you blame Trump very quickly for 200 deaths, but ignore the refugee crisis, sickening rape epidemic engulfing Europe, and multitude of deaths caused by Qatar's $28 million bribe to crooked Hillary Clinton.
I blame Trump for those death because he is the Commander in Chief of the army who killed them.
ISIS existed before Hillary. They bloomed after the "defeat" of Al Kaida (which in turn only had 400 members when they attacked the World Trade Center)
The refugee crisis is the result of the US working against the Syrian president, who is a dictatorial autocrat but holded down ISIS more or less (because they threatened his powers).
The movement of the refugees to Europe is the simple result of "The West" to not pay 600 million Euro to the UN to pay for food in the shelters in and around Syria. The money run out and 2 month later 2 million Syrian refugees arrived at EU borders. Very surprisingly. Why didn't they just starve to death and solve the refugee problem themselves?
And regarding your rape epidemic: I guess that's same fox news alternative facts because I never heard of it and I live in the center of Europe.
For Germany the number of rapes in 2016 was indeed higher then 2015 - but lower then in 2012 and lower then in the 200X years.
Statistically speaking the influx of young male muslim immigrants has lowered the number of rapes per capita.
Which is of course Bullshit because that difference is just fluctuations.
That is especially true if you keep in mind that a high number of rapes are not going into the statistics because about 80% happen in Family/Friends.
Statistically speaking a girl is in more danger to be raped by her father then by any immigrant. Just mentioning.
Try checking @wikileaks. Hillary Clinton took a $28 million bribe from Qatar to execute regime change. Satanist George Soros printed Arabic pamphlets falsely telling Syrian refugees Europe would give them free housing.
Lastly, try using an internet search engine and the query 'European rape crisis!'
This is the mess crooked Hillary Clinton and incompetent Barack Obama left behind for President Trump to repair! The corrupt satanic Democrats brought the world untold misery!
Please, at least read what I write, OK? Did I ever say Hillary took no bribe or that regime change isn't the policy of the US since WWII (and they reason the US kicked out several democratic governments)?
And regarding your rape source: Yes, its likely correct that immigrants raped 160 woman. I would say more. But GERMANS ARE EVEN WORSE!!
Please, please, stop looking at single incidents and ignoring all the rest!
There are about 10.000 rapes reported to police every year - and happening maybe 50.000.
There are (statistically) also 160 rapes done by German-born police and judges. Do you hear about that rape crisis?
Obamacare hurt people in this country, including my family. It may have helped some others, but it is NOT the shining great thing that the media likes to spin it as. It has been quite bad for a lot of people.
It is also a law and a process and passing the laws is not a crime (perhaps should be, but if that were the case we'd throw most of congress in jail for many of their "laws"). So that is not really evidence, or impeachable. It is emotional based opinion.
I'm not happy about that. Still has a long way to catch up to Obama's score. The big difference is Obama they tried to only say good things. Trump if they can bash how he blows his nose after sneezing they will.
Also this was based off of a single twitter tweat. It didn't actually mean there WAS a tape/recording, and if there was it doesn't mean it hadn't become a normal thing, or that it had not been disclosed. It could have been a bluff or it could have been serious. It is also possible they informed people they were going to begin doing that due to the leaks from internal meetings that are often occurring almost immediately after the meeting. So there is not really EVIDENCE we can grab onto that, just a tweet, and reactions to that tweet which are usually a lot of speculation that the tweet actually does not necessarily support. People's imaginations can make up a lot of things. Could some of them be true? Yes. However, I see little evidence of that. Yet also keep in mind the CIA and NSA are also doing bulk recording of many things these days and with Vault 7 leaks we've learned that even some models of Samsung TVs the CIA could listen over. So at some point one should suspect they are being recorded... especially in those positions.
There is a lot more to it than that. Comey has been questionable and dicey since before Trump even won the election. I watched Comey speaking to Congress several times and all I could do was shake my head.
Again. Not illegal. As far as the muslim ban. He used Obama's list. Obama actually acted on that list too, but the media made hardly a peep about it.
You asked what bad things he did, not what is impeachable or illegal ;) Or if Obama did the same.
And arguably Obamacare is only so bad (if at all) because the Republicans did their utmost to make it as bad as possible (and as a result unpassable).
Yeah you're not going to convince me on Obamacare. I was against it before it was implemented. What I thought it would cause it has caused. A lot of people with insurance (yes we have it) that the premiums are SO high that we can't actually afford to use it because there are still copays and deductibles and after those premiums we have no money to pay those. It has been GREAT for insurance companies, and big pharamceutical companies. It has been horrid for the rest of us. I lived in a poor family most of my life. We didn't have insurance 75% of my life. Yet we managed to go to the doctor.
That is far more difficult to do post Obamacare. It is NOT a good thing.
That doesn't mean what the Republicans would bring to the table would be better. It also doesn't mean it would be worse. Predicting the future is a fools errand.
This is true I realized this. Yet most of it is all speculation based upon media spin with no actual evidence.
There is one WRONG/BAD thing I think he did.
The missile strike on Syria due to the alleged "sarin" gas attack which seems staged, and also not SARIN by the photos of the cleanup crew. If it was a gas it was most likely chlorine based upon the cleanup photos. The strike was called with no investigation. There was ZERO good Motive for Assad to have used gas, it made absolutely no sense. It did make sense as a false flag attack designed to get Trump to act as he did. The fact that Nancy Pelosi, and John McCain (Democrat and Republican) were both happy and joyous over it tells me it was a bad thing. They are both major war mongers. Note they are also in opposing parties. In reality, the parties don't generally mean shit in the U.S. It is generally more about whether you'll toe the line with the agenda or not, and the parties are just a way to keep the populace distracted and treating it like it is a sporting event with two teams.
The Syria missile strike was WRONG. It shouldn't have happened.
Can they impeach him over it? Due to the way past presidents and congress have kept extending the power of the president, not likely.
That is also not what the media chooses to focus on as a negative, but it is about the most negative thing he has ACTUALLY done. Instead they focus on speculation and allegations and try to treat their speculations as fact.
It'd be nice if we could get back to a world of reason where we treat speculation as Hypothesis/Imagination/Guessing and we expect to see evidence and proof before treating it as fact.