A bit education is better then a bit more? Republicans hate Universities!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Higher education is bad. That is what US people think - at the farer right side of the political spectrum.

a majority (58%) of Republicans say colleges and universities are having a negative effect on the way things are going in the country, while 36% say they have a positive effect.
Among Republicans, there is an ideological gap in views of the impact of colleges and universities and other institutions: Nearly two-thirds of conservative Republicans (65%) say colleges are having a negative impact, compared with just 43% of moderate and liberal Republicans.

This is a very strong jump from last year, where the positive/negative numbers were mixed and 2015 where the positive views in higher education was (a steady base) higher then the negative view.


In the same way the views towards media have moved, with a whopping 85% thinking that mass media have a negative effect (while probably not meaning Fox News).

While the Democrat's view is fairly constant in the age groups, the older Republicans are the worse they look upon universities.


Is this something like "Trumpism" forming here? The notion of "I am right, and everyone who says something that is not my opinion is bad for the country"?

Since I don't even know where to start interpreting this, I would be happy to hear your thoughts on that, especially if you are a US Republican ;)


Good point @lennstar however some political animals might misunderstand you and view you in ideological lense

Well, I do have an ideology, like everyone ;)

My first point in ideology is to have fact-based politics.

I agree with you about fact based politics @lennstar however ideological pondits will go on the attack especially those who are against free speech when it dont dance to their philosophical tone and t tend to term it as fake news...

I don't consider myself a republican but i'm a right leaning libertarian. I don't think higher education is bad. I think its been corrupted with far left propaganda that is borderline socialism. When you have required gender studies classes for people majoring in business (me) you know something has gone terribly wrong. Also Biology classes have been infected with gender theory that has no basis in Biology. (first hand experience in a lab class 2 terms ago) All in All the left has taken over the institutions and has pushed too far with silly gender studies "science". And the whole idea that everything should be based on equality instead of merit is ridiculous in my eyes. I would be happy to answer more questions.

When you have required gender studies classes for people majoring in business (me) you know something has gone terribly wrong.

Why? Don't you think it is important to know about pay gaps, worse chances for woman etc. in your and other countries you will be making business with?
Of course if you want a morally-free business, then everything except math is unnecessary.

It is true that "gender" has gone too far in some places. But then, that does not mean that universities hurt the country, even if "gender" would.
You could argue (and prove) neolib business studies have done far more and far worse damage and no Republican is going against it.

  1. I think pay gaps are very important and I would like to see equality there but the point of where it goes wrong is knowingly paying a women more just cause they were born with a vagina. I think a man and a women should be payed the same in the same job title. Women do face way more harassment and I will give you that. I have heard way too many horror stories from female collegeas about sexual harassment and most of it comes from the customers. I have recently attended a business ethics class that is required for my business major and pay gapes are studied thoroughly I just think it is a waste of time to take a gender studies class that has no focus on business related stuff. Why pay for two courses when they both focus on similar things but one is more business orientated.
  2. My theory of how the country is being hurt by the universities is this: Universities teach a slanted way and are bias and after university those students go out into the world and try to apply what they learned. Two things might happen the very first one is an employer will laugh in the student's face and tell him/her to fuck off. The second situation would be the employer completely agrees with the student and spreads these silly ideas to more people. Thus giving more people a false world view that everyone is racist or sexist etc.
  3. There is actually a very large community on youtube that talks about the damage done by the universities.
    Sorry for the first post I was pretty tired and I should have gone into more detail instead of summarizing.
    Thanks for the questions they let me elaborate more of what I was thinking.

You are a great example of someone who has sat in class and thought to themselves 'I dont agree with that', irrespecive of your politics, well done. Colleges and Universities arent brainwashing labs, people are able to make their own critical judgements andin fact should be, thats what higher education is for.

Im not an American, but I am concerned that in the US things have become so polarized that there is no real political debate, just aggression and name calling, something I experienced first hand when I dared to offer an alternate opinion here on steemit.


 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Brainwashing as in what?