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RE: Should Politicians Be Held Responsible When Their Mistakes Result in Death?

in #politics8 years ago

I can no more agree.

Cuts had to be made to save some money and improve the budget of the state. Strangely enough, education, health and basic services like police of firemen are always to first ones to be hit. And this always comes from a decision made by a (small) bunch of people.

We are here in the case of a major issue and the people who made the cut decision in the past are naturally responsible. They should now take their responsibilities and be punished. That's the only way if we want politicians to think twice the next time... Otherwise, I am afraid that history will just be repetition, as often...


Yes. There is going to be an inquiry so we will what happens.

If anything happens. That is the crucial question we would like to know the answer. Future will tell!