Is it "anti-semitic" when a Jewish person talks about the racism in Judaism?

in #politics8 years ago

I am a big believer that you cannot tell somebody what they can believe in. Since I am Atheist by my choice, I respect other people's right to believe in whatever they wish as long as they're beliefs aren't put into action and harmful to others! All the power to them if "God" brings them joy and I would stand with them to keep freedom of choice.

For example you can't tell someone they can't be racist minded. If they are small minded enough to think that way in a world of INDIVIDUALS, That is their choice and hopefully it will only hurt them. (not to mention how incredibly idiotic they come across)

Since the invasion of Zionist in Palestine, We have heard a lot about Islam. Since I consider myself an amateur historian and a fan of human history. It made sense to me to study Muslim beliefs and they're past.

It is truly eye opening how it's mostly about human equality and faith equality! Have people done horrible acts in the name of Islam...YEP same as Christianity and Judaism and probably every other religion! Every religion has branches that turn into whatever agenda they want to push.

How many are aware that Muslim Nations allowed freedom of religion, almost a thousand years before any Christian Nation. (this is a fact that many don't want you to know)

I recommend to anyone if interested to just look up-- Mohammed's last speech

Now it only made sense to learn about Judaism, since they are the ones talking about Islam the most. (at one point anyway) Which is much harder then one would think, (to find something good to say anyway if you are not a supremis) but in their defence they admit Judaism is the most least inviting religion on earth!

They claim or some claim that it takes a minimum of one year of devoted study before you may convert to Judaism. And they say you would be lucky if it only took one year because usually takes three.

I have told some people of my findings on Judaism and there are two typical responses----

1- What are you anti-semitic ?
2- Duh, why do you think they refer to themselves as the "chosen ones".

So what is the core belief of Judaism according to my findings, will probably surprise you! By no means am I saying every Jewish person believes this or has this set of mentality but never the less it is true.

It is Jewish belief that non Jews stole the word HUMAN and therefor all non Jews are BEAST to serve the chosen ones!

Please don't take my word for it. You can see for yourself in this video and I always encourage people to research for themselves. I am only trying to spark an interest.

Again I am not attacking Judaism as I believe in my core that anyone can call or think of themselves as whatever they want/wish. But like I previously said, There is a problem when beliefs are put into action!

If you ever get called "anti-semitic" for criticism of Israel an Apartheid State with never ending borders, also targets civilians with chemical weapons, also has a rogue nuclear weapons program, etc..etc... Just smile it off and think that is equivalent as to the KKK calling you racist...


It was real shame that Americans didn't put pressure on Israel after Rachel Corrie's gruesome death, there is no telling how many Palestinians would still be alive today if we did.

Well said! She is one of many angels in my mind that got killed with zero accountability....

No, the zio-nazis created an extra term for it, they called it "self hating jews".
Its all over the Israeli media since years.

YEP! Carey Wedler has a great video pointing that out! here's a link to it

lol trying to link but video keeps poping up

So what the guy is saying is that we are all created to serve the Jews. Thats interesting , I wonder if central banking, media , pop culture, sexual liberation got anything to do with it?

Could be coincidence maybe not? But great comment!

Its also interesting in Turkish we use the word ADAM for a man , eg "That Man"

neat! i didn't know that, I am guessing it got chosen/used because of the bible?

Muslims never allowed "freedom of religion". They allowed Christians and Jews to practice their faith, but only if they acknowledged their subhuman status. Other than that, they were regularly massacring believers of any other religion, and when they were just too numerous, as in India or for a time in Persia, they were even worse off than Jews and Christians.

"only if they acknowledged their subhuman status" pretty sure you are mistaken Islam for Israel! All the evidence is out there and I am curious how do you start off by saying "they never allowed freedom of religion" just to contradict yourself in the next sentence?