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RE: U.S. Sanctions are to Blame for Venezuela's Increased Poverty and Chaos, Not 'Socialism'

in #politics6 years ago

I'll explain with an example I hope my English is well interpreted.

Imagine that you live in a large urbanization and in this urbanization there are around many houses about 100 or so and all of them must follow rules and laws to live in community.
However, internally, each house must follow laws and regulations so that life inside those houses is carried out in good terms.
What would you do if you know that the manager of that house, mistreats and kills those who live inside that house, but when he goes out of that house, it gives the appearance that everything inside is very beautiful and he gives reports to his neighbors that everything works well and those neighbors are created everything that says the report delivered by the person in charge of that house only because it gives money so that they believe everything that happens inside.
The nearest neighbors every day hear the cries for help from many who are inside, what goes on in there and none do anything just turn their faces and look the other way, because the housekeeper keeps giving money good money that is generated not because he is a good administrator of the resources he has, the good money is generated because those who live inside that home make products that are sold in markets that pay good money now the ones we live in do not have the He blames that the product in international markets goes down in price. Those of us who live inside do not have the fault that the manager has stolen all the money that went into that home and that all of us inside are suffering because there was never any type of investment for that house to be well.
For those who do not know, the only ones who are truly doing something for which we live inside that house are the Americans who realized that this guy under a banner of socialism is doing something.

I would like to see how those who have a socialist flag take away their companies, take away their land and do nothing to make these companies work and do nothing to produce those lands. They know why because they realized that by importing everything that is needed in Venezuela they can steal much more money.

There are many people who think from the outside but none are here inside and so they could realize in their own flesh what is happening.

Now that the United States is imposing sanctions on them and I clarify that not sanctioned Venezuela. He is doing it against the delinquents government officials and certainly individual menara. What happens is that those officials who have a lot of money from what they steal can manipulate the news and information by making the world believe that the sanctions are for Venezuela, and it is not so the sanctions are individually for each one of those criminals of the government.


Thank you for sharing. This is a very good way of explaining things. We often don't get to hear what it's like from the inside and we need to really.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @minismallholding

Wow South Australia, I would love to know Aurtralia, I had the opportunity to know all my country.
That is the idea to make known by our own voices what really happens in my country. Although you do not believe it, it is not easy to explain why our situation does not look like others. The Venezuelan government is always talking about the United States trying to invade us.
But Venezuelans know that we already have several invasions by CUBA, the FARC, ELN, HAMAS, IRAN, RUSSIA, CHINA all of them have invaded us and are destroying the wealth of our country.

I am a professor of government accounting at the Universidad de Oriente, I am on hand to be able to answer your questions ..

A big hug from my Venezuela.

Indeed, I don't argue that socialism is a good form of government, or that Maduro is good, only that the harsher conditions that emerge are a result of U.S. sanctions, not socialism itself. Thanks for the feedback.

Dear @krnel

I think that was my answer and I apologize.
I could not make them understand me.
I live in Venezuela and we are not having a good time. I can assure you, I hope we can hear what the Venezuelans say if we live in Venezuela.

I will try to explain it.

The country for a long time made its public budget in an underestimated way, for many years of bonanza the government prepared it at a cost of 40 dollars per barrel. and the price in the market was above 100 dollars, that generated additional resources that were stolen in their entirety during these 20 years of bad government, with that money they financed terrorist groups and groups of Iran that make life in Venezuela freely, there are also Hamas groups that have training centers in Venezuela. That on the one hand.

On the other hand. The sanctions carried out by the United States were applied to individual officials of this government, which is well known, as these officials are the first promoters of many deaths in this country.
If they had not stolen the money of the nation this country would be a great economically stable country.
They the government are corrupt.
Many Venezuelans in Venezuela are very happy that they apply sanctions individually.
These corrupt officials have good economic power and they know how to handle the world's information policy, making it appear that they are good people, that they are doing something for the country and that they are not to blame for the debacle in Venezuela.
And they use the sanctions that were applied to them individually, they make them believe as if they were from the country.
Only from this month of January 2019 is that they applied sanctions of not buying oil to Venezuela and our suffering is not since January, we have 20 years with a very well organized group of criminals ruling the country under a banner of socialism.

And only those of us who live here and suffer here can tell you the truth of what goes on in here.

You would be surprised to know the links of this guy and his father Tareck El Aissami

Excelente explicación. Espero que entiendan en otros países lo que realmente estamos viviendo aquí en Venezuela. Saludos.