Benefits of the continued existence of ISIS:
Remember, a strong European Union 'is absolutely seen' as competition, often in direct opposition to US goals.
- refugee crisis that will be mainly absorbed by a greatly weakened and quickly dividing European Union
- perpetual threat, based in no small part in Europe, causing massive domestic security expenditures and causing individual European nations to fall quickly in-line with the US military & economic agenda.

- an active "buffer-threat" versus Iran and Russia, clearly seen in the above map. Source: http://rbth.com/international/2016/08/02/echoes-of-syria-how-real-are-new-isis-threats-to-russia_617299

- discounted oil from areas now controlled by ISIS continues to flow into the international market
see: Inside Isis Inc: The journey of a barrel of oil
EUROPE: The ideal target for a lil Disaster Capitalism!?
- Europe does not buy American goods.
- Europe does not produce any substantial raw materials
- Europe is very wealthy, but the wealth remains 'in Europe'
- Europeans make things and buy things made by Europeans
The increasing internal threat/pressure and overall economic instability that European nations are experiencing is seen by some as payback for the lack of support the US had received for its Iraq "adventure", post-911, and for having the Gaul (purposeful usage) to attempt to unify (EU) in order to counter US military and economic power. The goal now seems the dismantling of the EU and eventually abandoning them to deal with their own security issues - with the rapidly decreasing military spending in the individual EU member countries, the continued existence of NATO is at risk .. which, may also be part of the long term plan - Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has openingly spoken of the USA pulling out of the organization due to lack of investment by member countries, and now we have the "issue" between the USA & Turkey. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/turkey-russia-meeting-syria-solution-coup-us/
ISIS Origin & Current Role
The following is a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Report and subsequent discussion about it in a post on Medium ..
.. clearly the report shows the United States first predicting the formation of ISIS and the benefit versus Assad's Syrian regime, and also to counter possible Iranian expansionist efforts in the wake of the disasterous invasion and occupation of Iraq. But what we do see in this report, is discussion of ISIL as a 'tool' to a greater goal, and not discussed as a potential threat to the security of American citizens - the threats listed were Assad, China, Iran and Russia ..
The reason there are so many conspiracy theories attempting to connect ISIS and the United States as some form of covert initiative, is because of the simple fact that the United States gave birth to ISIS - the first thing US occupation officials did after the illegal and entirely-immoral invasion of Iraq, was to disband the mostly Sunni Iraqi military, putting 10s of thousands of young, trained, fighting-age men, out of work. http://time.com/3900753/isis-iraq-syria-army-united-states-military/
"Government" is synonymous with Negative Consequences .. the more powerful, the more horrific the results..
In this case, they tried to take advantage of their own errors, and have lost control of the situation - the result is the flood of horrific video and images of INNOCENT people, being murdered .. enslaved .. raped .. literally, plunged into hell, living under an evil that the United States has not seemed very eager to defeat.
Withdrawing from alliances and aggressively pushing for the economic weakening of former allies, is not a sign of solitary strength on the part of the United States, but rather desperation - something to be looked at another day ..
Thank you for your insight on this, @kurtbeil. It seems like any time an amorphous "terrorist organization" is declared responsible for certain atrocities, it makes sense to first ask who is benefitting from it.
I worked in the UAE back in 2014/15, and heard jack shit about ISIS/ISIL the whole time I was there. Despite living in a country that was so nearby to the conflict (and governed under Islamic Law itself), very little discussion was made about any extremist terrorist groups. What I did hear about was the destruction of civilian populations in Syria, Iran and surrounding areas, from regular people who had become victims of this weird cycle of economics and propaganda, perpetuated by entities who have a vested interest in keeping the "terrorism" going. Some of these people had come to the UAE after losing their home, livelihood or families. Almost nobody was talking about ISIS, because the narrative people are subjected to in other parts of the world often differs so greatly to what people in the U.S. are bombarded with by our own politicians and media. I had no idea what ISIS was, until I returned to the U.S. and saw it all over the news. Common sense would dictate that there's an obvious ulterior motive here. And what's most disturbing is that now this culture of fear isn't just targeted abroad anymore: The latest M.O. is to make it seem like we've all got "sleeper terrorists" in our own neighborhoods, waiting to attack at any moment. It's completely ridiculous, but then again the entire premise depends on ignorance from all sides.
Thanks again, for providing some much-needed perspective and information on a very complicated issue. :)
Very much appreciate the feedback @relocait .. I was losing hope there for a moment, it felt that this was completely ignored.
Very interesting to have a perspective of someone who has lived in the region - the degree to which the US population is subject to the 'official story' or rather state & corporate mass-media instigated and perpetuated propaganda, only becomes frighteningly obvious, when you have such experience.
Thank you
You're welcome, @kurtbeil! Hopefully more people will check this out - it's always nice to have a perspective other than the default provided by our mainstream media. Even after having lived and worked in the region, I still feel kinda limited in my understanding of the situation (I was a flight attendant, nothing super fancy). But, I did get to meet people from various parts of the world, and listen to their perspectives on this, as well as share mine as a U.S. expat. It seems like many of the misconceptions people have come not from willful ignorance, but from a lack of transparency surrounding the true politcal and economic forces that are causing the confusion and paranoia, allowing a climate of "terrorism" to flourish for the benefit of those who have the advantage of seeing the whole picture while simultanrously obscuring it from the public view.
The facts are out there (as you've just demonstrated with your super informative article and links), we've just gotta look a lot harder for it than we should. At least we've got platforms in which we can encourage independant critical thought and info (such as in your post), and things will be changing for the better soon. :)