You wickered my knickers and diced my slice :P
But seriously (or not), my team is better than yours, even though I'm not really even on the team, I identify with it and call it "mine" anyways :P
In Montreal this is pretty bad with the Montreal Canadiens in hockey. "We" are going to beat Boston". You hear people speak this way. Identification and attachment is so illusive and pervasive in the psyche. Then they can't think straight because they can't let go of the thing that blinds them.
On the other note, caring about what is right is important. Caring about being right is too, in the sense of caring about not having wrong and thinking it's right. That's why it's important to want to be right, as long as it drives and motivates you to want to know when you are wrong so that you can let it go (no attachment) and have what is right instead.
Progress is such bullshit. Destroy the world, poison nature and ourselves, because planting flowers fed with fertilizers and pesticides and putting structures is "progress"... wo0ot...