10 Year Anniversary of the 'Collateral Murder' Massacre In Iraq

in #politics7 years ago

On July 12th 2007, a US airstrike from Apache helicopters murdered a dozen people in the streets of Baghdad.

The US claimed those killed were anti-Iraqi forces or insurgents.

Why were they killed? Because someone had a camera that was thought to be a weapon. Even though no one was using the alleged weapons to attack anyone. Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others were shot to death. Saleh Matasher Tomal, a driver who was trying to help those unjustly attacked and injured, was also attacked by the helicopter along with his vehicle and his two children who were also injured.

Short video (1min)

Long video (17m)

Coming as no surprise, the 2007 military investigation found no wrongdoing on their part, and claimed they didn't know how the two children got hurt. It's a mystery...

Reuters asked for the video in a Freedom of Information Act request, but was denied.

We wouldn't even know about any of this if it weren't for whistleblowers like Bradley Manning, now know as Chelsea Manning. Manning leaked the footage of the attack to WikiLeaks who published it for the world to see in 2010. The government and military don't like truth of their wrongdoings coming out, and Manning was charged as a traitor under the Espionage Act, sentenced to 35 years in military prison. But this sentence was commuted by President Obama in 2017, as Manning walked out of prison in May 2017.

If you have never watched he video and listened tot he commentary of those attacking, it's chilling to hear them speak so jovially and laughingly and they murder innocent people.


Then when a van comes along to help people, they don't want that to happen, those threatening people helping others, they must be evil too!




Freedom is great isn't it? Let's keep supporting demented governments and the military-industrial-pharma-banking complex. We're going to make a better world this way. You betcha :\

Related links:
Collateral Murder
‘Collateral Murder’: 10th anniversary of infamous airstrike that exposed US cover-up
Murder, Imprisonment, Isolation, War Crimes: 'Collateral Murder' Ten Years On


As war increasingly becomes handled by drones and remote weapons, this disconnect and callousness will only become worse.

The world was a better place when leaders had to lead from the front (mostly because the stupid ones didn't last long) and when doing harm to someone meant poking something sharp into them from such a close distance that you could feel them grunt and go limp and smell their breath as they collapsed onto you.

The more our reality becomes disconnected from, well, reality, the more barbaric it becomes.

Well said. Virtual reality, and the alleged "augmented" reality that lays over real reality is perverting a connection to what's real and unreal. The disconnect grows more and more as you say.

And as we become more disconnected, we become more unhappy, and tend to latch onto memes about how "evil" those other people are over there on the other side of the world, and how their evilness is attacking our freedom and perhaps thats why we are unhappy, and therefore it makes us happy to light them up.

What if the warfare state the US has become is really just an unconscious reflection of the underlying unhappiness of its people?

Yeah twisted suffering psyches (psycho-pathy: psyche-suffering).

Well, there you go!

Thx for the reminder of this. Makes my blood boil hearing the callous comments of the soldiers.

But I will save my wrath for the demented MIPBC. They are the true evil behind it, and they continue to this day. They are threatened now, and they will not give up their power easily.

Upvoted, followed, and resteemed.

Heeh "MIPBC", Military industrial pharma banking complex, ;) It took me 2 seconds to place the acronym ;)

It's a powerful force, with care for money and power driving many to join that dastardly quest. Thanks for the feedback and support.

HA! I wasn't trying to throw a curveball or anything. I was going to use my standard MIC reference, but I liked your inclusion of pharma, and it is absolutely incomplete without banking anyway. And then what about intelligence? (oxymoron that it may be).

Surprised you didn't use "Deep State" as a tag.

This is another sad case of war crimes. I remember seeing these videos on facebook and youtube . Why do Iraqis suffer like this..George Bush started this mess with his WMD (weapons of mass destruction) big lie. Saddam wasn't a perfect leader but maybe if he was ruling so many dead Iraqis would be alive today. Now Iraq is just a mess, lives lost and other lives altered for good. So now we know who to blame

They want to destroy the middle east and remake it for the globalist agenda of a one world government ;)

History will see the invasion of Iraq the same as the the German invasion of Europe in my humble opinion.
An estimated 1.000.000 Iraq people where killed in the second invasion of Iraq by the west forces

I hope it comes to be like that. But history is often written by the winners to embellish how good they are.

I remember watching this and crying. Such as sad video that gives you a reality check, of a war that has innocent and kids being "just" collateral damage.

Yeah it's horrible shit. And this is the one we know about.

i support Bradley Manning and whistleblowerss and am now following and upvoting you

Yeah whistleblowers who tear down the fake dream people believe in, trying to get truth out, aren't much liked by many internal to what they expose. I've had the same issues on Steemit for exposing the flag issue. People don't want to hear how things aren't working out right. Thanks for the support!

the world needs to change and the media is suppressing truth -- i hope you and i become friends -- drop in and visit my page if you wish to know about my art and music

It can change if we learn how to change it :)

Wow looking back a lot has happened, geo-politically wise, in those ten years.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I think it was a big turning point for lot of us seeing that video.

Voted, Shared etc.

Yeah it was pretty shocking.

@krnel this is very informative, thanks for sharing. I followed and upvoted

Woah never even heard of this. It's just horrible... How can someone be so cruel ? "haha I hit 'em" almost as if he was playing call of duty. The world is a beautiful place... NOT.

almost as if he was playing call of duty.

That's exactly what it's like for them. They don't care about the people. Just shoot and it's all like a game... sad world...

Kills in COD are (thankfully) of a different dimension, and do not haunt one's memory. AMA request for the AH64 gunner from 'Collateral Murder' as it would be most interesting to hear his take on just how this episode has affected him.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are just symptoms.

Indeed it is and they are.

Please remind your friends that when they decree 'off with their heads', they aren't helping?


If your utopia perpetuates rule by force, it sucks.

When people around you express their desire to 'turn them into glass', or somesuch other, I hope that you will speak up in defense of the non-violent.

No need to bother over this anymore @krnel


After perfecting thier craft for over 15 years, they've got their targeting all straightened out now.

Yup, perfect hits.

There was also this:

But there wouldn't be any time for posting or commenting if we tried documenting all of these sorts of "unfortunate" incidents.

Blame Russia, wasn't me...


Now we can get down to some real unfounded propaganda, I mean Russia bashing.

Excellent reminder - thanks for not forgetting @krnel

Yeah, I remember years ago watching it, it was wild. Like a video game, no real are for the reality of whats going on, just begging to get permission from an authority so they can follow the chain of obedience.

So true, many soldiers sign-up for the right reasons. They think that they are helping. Years later many of them are Vets and the Gov't and people that they were 'fighting' for end up turning their backs on them.

What happened in Iraq is a disgrace!

Weapons of mass destruction my ass!

War is the weapon of mass destruction :\ Governments as well ;)

I couldn't agree more!

Let's expose the stuff they dont want the world to see. The world needs to know

More people need to know indeed. I know someone today learned about it on Steemit.

Israel / us great Satan !

@krnel upvote and resteem to your blog!! Nice to meet you.

Shits given by US. none...

It's so sad. I hate his barbaric practices from another age. I will follow you because your topics are interesting. Good job.

Thanks for reading.

Nice post, thanks for sharing @krnel

You're welcome.

Just you wait when AI drones will be doing all the killing without human intervention. Humans are doomed unless they stop putting AI in war weapons systems.

Yeah, bad future ahead with all this AI and "augmented reality" craze. Morality needs to catch up to all the tech we blind ourselves with.

I recently saw the film "Eye in the Sky".

Not even knew, when me stared— to cry or to laugh!

Jeez intense much.. :P

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