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RE: North Korea's Ballistic Missiles

in #politics7 years ago

North Korea Missile Broke Into 3 Pieces, Fell Into Waters Off Japan's Hokkaido - NHK - scary


I am still shocked that the last Missile flew over Japan. They crossed the line for sure.

North Korea doesn't care, they will continue to test their international ballistic missiles it's getting better and that's scary.

Why not create something beautiful instead of destructions?

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you

And everything Trump does will be called "wrong" by the wonderful MSM. If he does nothing, he's to blame if they drop a Bomb on California. If he DOES something, he'll also be to blame if they drop a bomb.

North Korea and USA should work together to fight against the MSM before they do anything else.

Because every year USA and South Korea hold joint exercises simulating the invasion of North Korea. The USA dropped more bombs on them during the Korean War than were used in WW2, and that war has never been declared over. Do you not think they are entitled to have some form of defense?

Ooh, scary. Bunch of geniuses in the DPRK. Maybe they should focus on feeding their people first.