Who Owns Earth & Why Are We Paying To Live Here...?

in #politics8 years ago


Who owns Earth, the 3rd piece of interstellar pocket lint from the Sun, and why are humans so happy to pay for living on it?

It has often been argued that man is the most intelligent life form on this planet. When we compare the abilities of other animals with those of man, it is an indisputable fact that man has an advantage; we are clearly much better at architecture, mechanical engineering, and modern technology, just to name a few. However, we are also the ONLY species throughout the entire animal kingdom that thinks it must pay to live here. Have you ever wondered why?

Humans are hungry creatures; we crave almost everything we see. Our daily lives are a constant battle to keep up with the Jones' down the block with their big screen TV's, six figure RV's, and island hopping vacations. If we see somebody doing better than us, we want what they have, and many of us feel jilted for not being able to obtain that level of success. This all stems from the sin of greed, and greed arrived on the historic timeline of humanity at approximately the same time as currency. The minute man developed a method of exchanging value for items with "intrinsic" value, he began looking for ways to gain the upper hand over his fellow man. One of the best methods of performing this is through the time honored tradition of rents/loans.

Before we get into that, let's take a brief look at the phrase "intrinsic value," as it so often applies to items of exchange and currency. Quick show of hands, who knows what "intrinsic value" means...? Go ahead, shout it out if you know the answer, no need for raising hands around here; we appreciate intelligent readers. Do not be ashamed if you are not entirely sure what the phrase means, we will be happy to share our thoughts and opinions on the matter with you...and we encourage constructive engagement through the comment channels below. That being said, a definition of "intrinsic value" has been provided for you here.

Now, if you are anything like me, then all of that unintelligible nonsensical jargon means little to nothing to you, and that is by design. You see, those in control of the financial world would rather not have anymore competition than is currently operational. They do not want the common layperson to participate in the financial infrastructure beyond going to work (production), and paying their bills (rents/loans). If average citizens were able to decipher and decode what the financial world was communicating, then there is a damn good chance we would all stop playing by their rules...and it is extremely difficult to remain in the ruling class if nobody allows you to rule over them anymore.

In laymen's terms, the phrase "intrinsic value," can be adequately defined as such; "the absolute value of an item or asset, based solely of the supporting IDEA that it has true value, which is derived from the tangible and intangible factors that are aspects of the item/asset." Still a bit confusing...? It basically means that somebody in a position of power within the financial world said the item/asset had value, after which the "intrinsic value" was determined based on supply and demand, intangible factors that are capable of being manipulated by the very same power player(s) who insisted the item/asset held value in the first place. Will financial gurus argue against this explanation...? Without a doubt, as it serves their best interest to keep the cucumbers clueless.

Consider for a moment all of the currency based items we are TOLD have "intrinsic value." Precious metals, such as platinum, gold, silver, and copper, we are TOLD have value. They tell us this based on the belief that there is a finite amount of each of these metals. They are mined from Earth, which is a planet, and therefore a finite object itself; therefore logic dictates these metals are not a renewable, or replenish-able resource. Nothing else about these objects translates to value; we are TOLD that they are RARE, and in high DEMAND, which is why we must pay a hefty price for them if we want to participate in those markets.

Paper money products, which are a common currency among industrialized nations, hold "intrinsic value," or so we are TOLD. What makes a $1 bill less valuable than a $100...? The paper stock that both notes were printed on is 100% identical. The quality and condition of the ink used in printing the notes comes from the same jar. They are all issued by the same central banking cabal. The ONLY differences to the notes are the digits that are strategically placed to represent the "intrinsic value" of the note itself. There is nothing RARE about paper currency products, nor is there anything near high DEMAND for them...so, what makes them valuable...PROPAGANDA...that's right, say it with me...PROP...A...GAN...DA!

The ruling elite have remained in power by taking control of media, and all forms of public education. That age old adage; "History is written by the Victors," has never rang more true. The ruling elite have been victorious in large part because the majority of people making up humanity wish to remain uninformed. We refer to them as sheeple in the circles I frequent, because they are just dumb enough to continue working for a paycheck for the sole purpose of paying off debt, which was issued to them by the manufacturers of currency in the first place.

So, why do we play by these rules...? Why hasn't humanity woken up to the fact that they are being duped into believing they have a lifetime of debt to be financially responsible for...? Why do we continue to play by the same rules, yet raise our expectations of those who wrote the damn rules...? The answer to these questions, quite honestly, is that the vast majority of us are unable to break the chains of "conventional wisdom," even though that very wisdom was passed onto us by those we allowed to claim positions of power.

Now here is the real question; can anyone show me a deed to Earth...? The land masses are tangible assets, the water is a tangible asset...these things are bought and sold on markets across the world each and every day...where are the deeds to Mother Earth...? By what authority does one claim a piece of Earth as their own and decide whether or not it can be trespassed upon...? By what power were countries formed, borders drawn, and parcels distributed...? The ruling elite classes have always written the rules. They wrote the rules for acquiring property, as well as for selling property...all of it unclaimed before they arose to power. They remain in power to this day because the vast majority of citizens think they have a say in the way their lives are governed.

Anyone born in a country that has central banking as a currency exchange system, is effectively being born into debt. The only way to correct this condition by which many have become corrupt, is to regain control of our lives by rewriting the rules to better suit our needs as a collective group of individuals who have the common desire to actually be free from the abusive over reach of the greedy bastards above.

While digital crypto currencies are an avenue of achieving this reclamation of control over our own lives, I believe establishing new bartering systems may also lead to a more debt free environment for those of us attempting to achieve it. The main reason I believe bartering systems could assist in the reinvention of the currency exchange system is this; TIME is the ONLY true currency any of us have! Many of us are currently trading our time in an office for a paycheck, we then redistribute that paycheck to our service providers, in a never ending scam to keep us broke, while the rich remain wealthy. We do not need to step back into history to a time when we all struggled to survive, but we do need to revert to learning those skill sets that allowed humanity to make it through some of its most troubling times. The simple fact of the matter is this...there is not a government on this Earth that can provide better for you, than you can provide for yourself...

There are two types of people on this planet; those who think the government works in their best interest, and those who think...


Thanks for publishing this article with intrinsic logic xD
In my opinion youre 100% right but i have a question:

How would you think mankind can solve the problem of really rare goods (like resourcefull land) without some kind of "system"?
It would shurely solve itself, but in a rather unpleasant way...
Its also unpleasant today, but maybe in another scale? I honestly dont know.
I think the only real options are natural selection or some kind of spiritual awakening.
What are your thougts?

@oszillum Arable land, which is land capable of growing crops on, is a finite resource, and therefore a rare commodity. It should not be bought and sold between people, corporations, or governments. The "unpleasant way," you mention for solving this situation is actually part of the natural selection process; we see it play out in the animal kingdom all the time...predatory animals control the region of land they call home...if another predator wants to lay claim, they must fight for what they want until one walks away victorious. Is it the best method of resolving the problem...in my humble opinion, it is. Consider for a moment the process by which prey animals survive...they seldom stand and fight, but rather run helter skelter in flight, allowing the weakest members of the heard to be culled through the natural selection process...this, in turn, makes the entire unit that much stronger, and therefore less susceptible to prey in the future. This is however, just my opinion.

Btw.: I am really impressed how Steemit seems to motivate people with political thougts to speak open!
Maybe the knowledge that this post will be there forever does something to you.
I have the feeling i need a proof for the future that i was not braindead in this dark times^^

The most fundamental freedom is the freedom to walk away.