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RE: Trump and its refusal to the Paris Climate Agreement

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I can't say that I necessarily believe Trump left the agreement for the right reasons. Perhaps it was his desire to "stand apart" from others, to "put America first", or to "Make America great again."

Or maybe it was because someone from France insulted him on Twitter five years ago, and this was his chance for retribution.

Regardless of his reasons, it was the right decision.

Not only is the actual evidence against the idea of climate change being catastrophic, government regulation stifles innovation. If the world believes as strongly as it apparently does (given the near-unanimous signing of the Accords), consumers would have all the power necessary to influence those industries that create the most pollution. Additional Government subsidies funding select companies and giving them an unearned competitive advantage would reduce the economic motivators for companies to find new solutions.