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RE: Why I Turned To National Socialism

in #politics7 years ago

Ok wow. I was at the park earlier without wifi and I finally got the chance to actually watch the video. Xsmith really? You agree with this guy? It's a pipedream. The same unachievable 'utopia' that Leftists believe in. Totally undoable!


I do agree with this guy because there's nothing wrong with wanting to preserve whiteness. Just like there's nothing wrong with wanting to preserve any other culture.

But the problem with that ideology is that it's not American at all! Just because the first American settlers were white and there was blatant bigotry against blacks, the whole concept of America had absolutely nothing to do with race. It had everything to do with freedom, especially of religion. The whole point of our Country is to seperate powers. To not be led by a king. Each State determining policies they feel fits their populations best.

Since most Americans today do not believe in seperation of races, and we're already 'mixed breeds' #1 how the heck could you ever begin to separate people into 'pure breeds' now? And #2 How the heck would it even be possible without a tyranical dictator to force such a rediculous thing unpon everyone?

I don't think you're thinking it through enough xsmith. It's an impossible utopia that cannot exist other than in your imagination ya know?

"Since most Americans today do not believe in seperation of races"

Well for starters I think you'd be surprised at just how many people are starting to really think about diversity and the separation of the races. You did have Charlottesville happen which suggests that there's an uprising that's about to occur. People are seeing past the lies that have been pushed on them from the left and are naturally gravitating towards the right. There is a difference between a National Socialist and a Neo-Nazi, two totally different animals.

"How the heck would it even be possible without a tyranical dictator to force such a rediculous thing unpon everyone?"

I could see it happening as a result of people just deciding to go along a spectrum of whiteness as opposed to say just pure German or Swedish per say. Who knows maybe if the left doesn't quit with their non sense they'll spark the next racially inspired race war. It could only happen if our brothers of the faith went out and red pilled as many people as possible. If I had to guess I would say it's already happening as we speak.

I'm gonna slap you silly

No seriously, I have so much I want to express to you but won't have time until tomorrow night possibly.