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RE: Why I Turned To National Socialism

in #politics7 years ago

I don't think whiteness has anything to do with our culture. We had white slaves as well as black. The Left has 'defined' wanting to hold on to tradition and culture into a white thing but it really has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with 'mindset'. American culture is about freedom, not skin color. The fact that at one time in our history 'some' Americans did not agree with that, does not give people the right to redefine what Americanism is. Whites fought and died along side blacks for this idea of freedom. And today mant colors feel the same way. The Right, who believes in that greatness is falsely defined as wanting 'whiteness' or slavery back. No one cares what color Americans are. We care about the 'minset'. The only reason things like immigration come into the picture is that the Left is importing 'mindsets' that are contrary to our values. It has nothing to do with whites harboring Hispanic or Muslim bigotry. It has everything to do with Democrats importing people who believe our States are rightfully Mexico's or who believe Sharia Law supercedes American law. If all these immigrants were white the opposition would be exactly the same. Whites don't have to reproduce to keep American values intact. 'Pro-American Americans of ALL races need to reproduce and teach their children American values.


You don't see that there's an agenda to genocide the white races? How we need to stand together to defend what's left of Anglo American society. Everywhere I turn I'm being told I'm racist just because I want to preserve my cultural heritage. I'm a white male and it's not just a problem for me, after they've completed their genocide on us who do you think is next?