And do not get me wrong .. for me it is the same what you or someone else want to eat. It is your problem what you introduce in your body, you are free to decide. Now if you want to talk about how WE PRODUCE EVERYTHING in some countries like USA, Canada and countries from Europe then maybe we can find a solution to all this problems.
I do not think to eat this or that have to do with it.
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I am well aware that industrial meat production is not the only way. Who isn't?
But it exists and it destroys our world like nothing else does at a tremendous cost for everybody. watch this for more information:
Sadly I can not see the video, it is blocked in Germany by Very US Network.
Are you aware that in many part of this world people can NOT CHOOSE what they can eat, they eat what they get the same day, whatever it is and sometime from the trash can... they are not super markets and things like in USA, Canada and some countries in Europe where the majority part of the vegans I know live ... (Not talking about India where cows are sacred or musulmans countries where they do not eat pig)
I am aware of this. I just fail to see how that changes the fact that the meat industry is destroying our earth like no other horrible thing we do and nobody is talking about it...
I can see that there are other problems, though, thank you.
Ps: if you really want to know, you will find a way to watch.
It is not about other problems... and the meat industry is not the only one who is destruying the planet the way u want to put it... you forget so many other industries like wood, paper for example, minery and so on that really destroy the world in a vissible way ... but hey! it is just my personal experience when I was a bit around the world making docu films ... not seeing them in internet ... for example
About the deforestation and the water problems in Chile not because of the "horrible"meat industry but the wood and paper industry ... they mapuches are fighting against it. If you do not understand spanish you can jump to minute 26 and see what happens in reality in those countries when u fight a "real terrible industry" ... btw you can see me there too
Esta Todo bien, amigo. Yo se de la lucha de los mapuche... Pero parece que tu no tienes ni idea cual industria está responsable para el parte más grande de la deforestación del mundo.
Yo no lo sabía hace poco. Cuando ves los números se te van a abrir los ojitos.
Viva la libertad!
Entonces a luchar contra la industria y sus dueños no contra la gente que quiere y tiene todo el derecho del mundo a comer carne o lo que desee ... vuelves a lo mismo, la Producción en Masa es lo que hay que parar pero no solo de carne sino de TODO! :)
... recobrar la soberanía es lo mas importante! Libres somos desde que nacemos aunque nos traten de convencer de lo contrario ;)
Problema es que comemos tanta carne que no hay otra manera para producir todo...
One thing I have to add:
ASSUMING that others only get their information online while you know it all because you travelled... come on, friend.
That is not the way to have a polite discussion now, is it? Get a grip on the fact that you do not know about others.