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RE: You're being told a BIG LIE by the MSM again. It must be Tuesday. Again.

in #politics7 years ago

Trump is evil , he has broken families apart , he is destroying the nation, why are we letting him do that? Why do the people not have any rights ?

One of my very close friends were actually deported , it broke my heart , they have been living in the US for so long , is it really fair to do that ?


People are backing up Trump without understanding the ramifications of his actions because these people cannot relate because of how ignorant and privileged they are. This is what the US has become and it's unsurprising that the US seems to be getting worse. Hysteria about terrorism... Hysteria about immigration... Drug and crime hysteria. They need a scapegoat so they blame others, even their own people. That's how the government controls them. With fear.

Fear doesn't create a stronger government I feel like it destroys it

If the government can scare the uneducated masses with terrorism... Crime... And drugs.. then it's quite easy to control the masses. Trump is an example of this.

Damn Trump. Exaggerating the opioid epidemic that is hitting the US and killing tens of thousands.

Wish that Trump would stop exaggerating the impacts of illegal drugs on Americans.

The opioid epidemic is caused by tainted drugs by US backed drug cartels and informants in US inner cities.

Fact of the matter, Portugal, Bolivia and similar countries have decriminalized drugs and it showed a massive drop in drug violence and even a drop in overdoses. The epidemic is completely exaggerated and its been proven that abolitionism causes more problems than less (just like the failure of US alcohol Prohibition).

you're either mistaken or lying.
I support trump.

Many supporters of trump , I am not one of them

Are you socialist?

Were the here illegally? If so then yes it's 1000% fair.

What about the people who are American born citizens doing illegal work ? Don't they deserve punishment ?

That is the entire point of rule of law. No one is above the law. If you are doing something illegally, and you are caught, you are subject to the appropriate punishment.

The alternative to "rule of law", is"rule of man", in which case the laws are only suggestions, and as long as you are friends with someone in a position of power or can afford to bribe someone in position of power to be your friend, you can do what you want.

The Constitution and rule of law are what keep the US from turning into a tyranny.

Sorry about your friend, but if they were deported that means somewhere in the past they broke a law.

If you "knew someone in power" who make an exception for your friend, would it be right to take that exception?

How far do the exceptions go? Who decides who gets the exceptions? Does everyone get the exceptions?

And you see how this slippery slope takes you to anarchy - a place where there are no laws.

When there are no laws, the gang with the biggest guns and the most ammunition will determine what "justice" is for that street corner.

Not the place you want to ever live

who has deported more and bombed more innocent? trump or obama

There are many long term benefits to all American citizens, if we have a President that follows the constitution.

There are many long term dangers to the Republic if we allow a President, ANY PRESIDENT, to make his own laws and circumvent the Constitution.

If we allow ANY PRESIDENT to circumvent the Constitution, we put ourselves on the path to becoming Cuba or Venzeula or Argentina or Russia or .......