Facial Recognition Has Become A Reality! - China's Technocratic Order

in #politics7 years ago

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In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the roll out of the very technocratic facial recognition technology which is being championed in China.

Notable is a recent story regarding the use of facial recognition at a beer festival in Qingdao where several people were caught by the system and arrested.

This story isn't a rarity these days however as facial recognition becomes a regular part of digital technology and security. The streets of London, England are heavily monitored. Android phones utilize the technology. The new iPhone 8 will use facial recognition in place of a password. Australia is replacing passports with facial recognition. India is using the Aadhaar system which takes retina scans and allows people to pay for good and services with that method.

China, India, Australia, Sweden and Canada are really rolling out the technocratic system and there's a major power shift towards China as the IMF considers moving their headquarters to Beijing in the coming years as they implement a centrally planned cashless society, incorporated into the SDR (Special Drawing Rights).

This all goes back to the old quote by Ben Franklin...
"If you're willing to give up a little bit of liberty for a little bit of security, you will get and deserve neither."

That's what it's all about. Enslavement under the guise of "convenience." You will be tracked everywhere whether you have a GPS tracker on you or not and that should scare everyone.

See the FULL video report here:

Stay tuned as we continue to report on this madness. Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!

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Hi joshsigurdson,
Thanks for sharing

That's a very scary evolution, but my instinct tells me this is already used against us by big corporations, intel-agencies, advertising, marketing etc...
I have a very bad feeling about this, and it takes us to George Orwell and 1984...
Ben Franklin was very correct!

Absolutely. We're watched everywhere we go.

The ever-growing surveillance network combined with facial recognition technologies are raising some incredibly troubling issues that far too few people are talking about. Aside from the total destruction of privacy and far-reaching (horrible beyond imagination) implications blanket surveillance entails even if this technology is "fail-safe", it is even worse in our world of imperfect, inept and corrupt government.

This was demonstrated most clearly and recently in the UK, at the Notting Hill Carnival.

The controversial trial of facial recognition equipment at Notting Hill Carnival resulted in roughly 35 false matches and an erroneous arrest, highlighting questions about police use of the technology.

The system only produced a single accurate match during the course of Carnival, but the individual had already been processed by the justice system and was erroneously included on the suspect database.


The implications of widespread implementation of this technology are truly frightening.

Really its nice to see

Of course it would be most prevalent in China where collectivism is even more engrained than in the US.

Would be amusing if someone came up with a "facial recognition jammer". Basically something that scrambles your profile, a type of glasses or something?

Excellent video. There are many 'tools', for want of a better word, that can be implemented, to make the transition easier. People need to be aware of what they ingest and of their surroundings. I feel that fluoride in the drinking water has a bearing here, and mixed with the microwaves bouncing around all over the place, it'll be easier to control masses of people, or coerse/sway their opinions towards creating a more manageable, collective agreeable society.

With the introduction of new phone technology (the release of the new iphone, yesterday), the masses will just see the shiny new objects of desire, without relising that it is not 'their' desire. Consider the transition from 432Hz to 440Hz, which has no common-sense reasoning behind it. The differences on nature, after exposure to these different wavelengths, is visibly noticable and measurable.

So, the masses will see the facial recognition as a positive addition to their brain and testicle boiling microwave machines and the only saving grace is theat the masses are slowly dwindling in numbers, but until the system is changed radically, we will never be rid of the 'masses' however short of mass they are.

So many of us have so much to say about this and so much more, but for now I will thank you, very much, Sir and am right behind you :).

All the best.