North Korea's Ballistic Missiles

in #politics7 years ago

The North Korean ballistic missile program is one of the most complex systems that pose a threat to global security.

You read that and think North Korea is about to wipe the United States off the face of the earth. In reality North Korea's Missile program is so limited in it's capability that it's only good for some limited deterrence. The fear mongering we see now is so close to that we saw of Iraq's so called weapons of Mass destruction. What Saddam had were a few Scud missiles, worthless in modern wars.

North Korea, officially: Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is a country located in eastern Asia, occupying the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, overlooking the Gulf of Korea and the Sea of ​​Japan, bordered by China From the north and South Korea from the south.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un authorized more than 80 missile tests since assuming leadership nearly six years ago. But all of these missiles fell into the waters in the East China Sea, because they were limited in scope, or were fired at a sharp angle, and were so high in space that they would splash down without going far.

Today, North Korea gave up restraint, starting a medium-range ballistic missile test, and launched it over Hokkaido, Japan, to nearly 1,700 kilometers of the Western Pacific. In doing so, they shown that they can hit a distant goal without Japan or it's allies being able to stop them.

Because of North Korea's geographical location - between China and South Korea, between eastern and southeastern Japan, Russia to the northeast, there is no way, they can test missiles, and not fly over another country. So what's the big deal?

Did North Korea attack Japan? NO
Do they have the capability to attack the US? NO
If they had such capability would they attack the US? NO

Our long term enemies such as Russia and supposedly China, have that capability for years, yet they would not under any normal circumstances launch ballistic missiles at the US. Why would China allow a puppet like Kim to launch an attack on its biggest consumer of goods, the United States? that would be an economical suicide...

Do not worry at all, a president who is berserk, certifiable crazy, demented, deranged, frenzied, hysterical, lunatic, mad, maniac, mental, psychopathic, raving, crazed, absurd, bananas, irrational, psychotic, out of his mind, twitter freak, would not have codes to launch an attack on North korea. I am sure by now the military of the United States recognized our failure and stripped him of that toy.

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North Korea Missile Broke Into 3 Pieces, Fell Into Waters Off Japan's Hokkaido - NHK - scary

I am still shocked that the last Missile flew over Japan. They crossed the line for sure.

North Korea doesn't care, they will continue to test their international ballistic missiles it's getting better and that's scary.

Why not create something beautiful instead of destructions?

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you

And everything Trump does will be called "wrong" by the wonderful MSM. If he does nothing, he's to blame if they drop a Bomb on California. If he DOES something, he'll also be to blame if they drop a bomb.

North Korea and USA should work together to fight against the MSM before they do anything else.

Because every year USA and South Korea hold joint exercises simulating the invasion of North Korea. The USA dropped more bombs on them during the Korean War than were used in WW2, and that war has never been declared over. Do you not think they are entitled to have some form of defense?

Ooh, scary. Bunch of geniuses in the DPRK. Maybe they should focus on feeding their people first.

People thinking little of North Korea and their capabilities when you have no real idea of what they are capable of. As for China, well they may well be supplying NK with what they need due to something they may have and are needing, why else would NK have so many missiles they can just 'fail test' to pretend like they aren't that much of a threat.

You never really know what someone is capable of these days, but I am hoping NK aren't as successful as they may be if they have their way.

Invest in missile defense companies? Thanks for sharing.

The way we go to war every few years it's seems a better investment than gold.

YOU ARE JOKING, RIGHT? So, which one was first, the chicken or the egg? In current times, are war promoted by the military industrial complex or would it be better to say that the rest of the world are so incompetent (that coincidentally they have resources the we want) and cannot rule themselves. That is exactly the mentality we need, lets make war and make some $$$$$$. Shareholders accept war as business as usual living in their self-absorb bubble. You can say that with a smile, disconnected from the rest of the world that actually is at war, and you want to monetize from it. You ever been in the middle of a war??? Hmmm, keep living your little consumerist world, isolated from the rest of the world.

Missile Defense Token.. 📡 Radar ICO Coming soon.. 🤘🏽🤘🏽

Such propaganda out of North Korea. These guys have no technology and no money to go to war with anyone.

yup they would be annihilated in a day ! without china they have no chance since it would be the world against north korea..

agreed, they can go to war, but they can not fund it long term unless they get support from China, which won't approve of any war that will hurt the Chinese economy.

I am not even sure they launched a missile over Japan. The CIA or others could have easily done it to start a false flag

I am not into the conspiracy theory but whether they did or not what difference does it make?
If the lunatics want war it will happen, making up a reason is easy for them.

You are right.

Problem, Reaction, Solution. That is called Hegelian dialectic and it is not conspiracy theory. It's been use by every government throughout history including our own. In order to manipulate a vast amount of people into the government's will they will cause the problem or allow the problem to occur, wait for the popular reaction and offer a solution, hence false flags. Look it up. So considering that this young country of ours (USA) is only 241 years old and we only had 17 years of no international military conflict. An enemy real or not will always reunite the nation.

Don't give them attention that they don't deserve,

Hi @joseph :) Those weapons are really amazing except when they kill people. But what I wanna know is... what's the meaning of Ballistic in term of missiles???? I just wanna know =D

dictionary: a missile with a high, arching trajectory, that is initially powered and guided but falls under gravity onto its target.

It does make you wonder what there real motives are it wouldn't be the first time politicians have lied to get what they want, cheers mike

While they technically didn't "attack" Japan, conducting a ballistic missile test over another sovereign nation is a serious act. What is interesting to note is that this isn't the first time North Korea has launched missiles over Japan. Kim Jong-un's father did it twice before:

And here's a list of all of the missile tests they've done over the years:

But the fact that this is Kim's first shot across Japan's bow, so to speak, is interesting in and of itself. It's hard to know about the internal power dynamics of that country, but there were reports several years ago of a failed coup against Kim:

Robert Kelly, the Southeast Asia analyst who got famous for his kid barging in during a BBC skype interview, told Bloomberg yesterday that he figured the tests were potentially part of factional infighting within the NK government:

So it's quite possible that the missile tests are more about internal power struggles than they are regarding anything external.

But who knows.

business Bloomberg tweeted @ 29 Aug 2017 - 04:45 UTC

Here's what analysts are saying about Japan and U.S. options after North Korea fires latest rocket……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

nice post..thanks for share..we hope no more war must be peace..

I think this is the best asian missile, look like taepodong-2 is intercontinental missile, very interest post @joseph

I think the flavor of the month talk about N. Korea threatening the US is just nonsense. There is still more domestic threat to the welfare of the average American than foreign. Great post by the way @joseph

What is it with people always trying to destroy each other? Let us all move forward from this destruction, we are only hurting the human race, we might be here in space alone.

I myself plan to enlist, and I sure hope something is done about the belligerence of DPRNK

@darienparlick They used to call young men with your attitude cannon fodder. Take care.

I think it is about time that the international community saw an end to the regime in the DPRNK and liberated the people therein. It has been over half a century of belligerence and it doesn't seem to relent given time. We need to take action.

Agree completely. No doubt, the North Koreans are acting stupid, but this is being ramped up by the US as a pretext to bomb the shit out the North Koreans. Thanks for a thought-provoking post.

by now the military of the United States recognized our failure and stripped him of that toy

This is extremely naive. Look again at Trump's cabinet and how new nominations align perfectly with highened war mongering.

In all reality you just have to ask yourself why? Why would Trump decide to push that button? Why would Kim decide to blow up anywhere, at all? Neither have a good outcome, press scaremongering is all folks.

We have 30 something bases in South Korea alone all waiting to Break them when they finally cross the line

Anyone else think North Korea is just fucking with us? Winding us up like, pushing our buttons.
And we're being bitches about it, playing "whose got the bigger dick" aka ego.

They're playing "We actually do have missiles that can reach other countries. We are not powerless."

I don't think they want war. I think it's that they don't want the USA to try to colonize them like we did to the USA, Vietnam, the Middle-east, and a bunch of other places. The USA is known to be an incredibly aggressive nation that uses fear mongering and lies to get people to support war, when the war is really just a form of theft against other societies.

But really they got the US here, anybody takes any action against North Korea you are putting 35 million people who are living in Tokyo. almost 10 million who are living in Seoul.

I guess it's time to actually chill the fuck up and find a diplomatic solution or we are all fucked.

We must stop war! When we have no war, we will all live better, we will all have more money. Why we cant live together in harmony? Why humans are so stupid?

Good post for current affairs, vote & Resteem

The narrative is what keeps the regime in power there. Without complete control over the population, the power structure collapses. They are not the buffoons their made out to be in the West. They have held off the US Empire for 70 years.

Their armor (narrative) is cracking, as the black market grows there and not just the United States calls them out internationally. Full UN sanctions meant more as a signal than actual policy. Sanctions just hurt the people and build up the regime's control.

Tricky situation. But Trump's boasting is a change of pace in this theater and it is working better than the former guard.

I'm not fan of Trump, but putting eyes on North Korea and what goes on there is what helps those people get free.

this a great ballistic

Not making a new post to respond to this reply. There's absolutely no reason for this post to have generated anyone $250. Writer or not, this is not a $250 post, period. I'm looking for good content, worth the money a post has made, and this isn't it.

obviously you are more interested in the upvotes than the content. I am not a writer for Newsweek or the Ny Times. If you are looking for those you are on the wrong website.

actually sir @joseph you are absolutely right!
but why not stay away from wars and keeping the peace? it doesn't matter who has the ability to wipe out a country or place, what matters is that we are not hurting each other :) upvote for this post!!! nice post

While people are panicking about what North Korea is going to do. My thing is this, if they had the capability to strike why give a warning. This is just to distract the people from other issues. Plus North Korea don't really want no smoke man that's just all talk. What I don't understand about the ownership of such weapons by any country. Why have the ability to cause mass destruction that will even affect the ones using it. There is no way a nuclear missile is going to be fired and it not disrupt the universe as a whole.

I feel many weapons of war are coward tools these days. Whereas back in the day, the battlefield was where hand to hand combat took place. Now countries are using robots and unmanned vehicles to win the war. Just ain't the same psychological process.


@joseph I don't think that they would ever pose a threat. They are just flabbergasted by the fact that on one side of their border is South Korean K-pop and on the other side is Marxist-Capitalist China.

When I listen about Korea and UDA, my mind surrounded by the word"WAR".
I don't really understand why they want to fight againts each other if their mind is different. I think both of the presidents are having problem on their mind and they wanna fight but they want the people of their countries fight for them. If they hate each other, just fight like a man in boxing ring and all the problem finish. War only sacrifices innocent people and most of victims never want conflict. I think both of the presidents forget the aim of this life that is not glory, but happiness.

I was afraid of the war, but I sincerely hope that the two countries are united without making targets to other countries.
What is your opinion?

It's a funny thing with your president. People elected him as a savior and now is worthless?

you are quite right. North Korea has a limited capability to launch an attack more so to the U.S. of A. Nobody in his right mind to do such a thing since this will pose a grave danger in starting a nuclear war and wipe every living thing in the face of this earth.

Hey Friend, thanks for shareing this kind of facts. North Koria is just gambling over the World. Its missiles are really terrorable warning for the universe. Every Country is trying to nogitiate about the matter in several assembly how to protect universe zone for these missile attacks. The world is now geeting in a very risk.

The USA have to watch out for another imaginary enemy they build up like they did with Iraq. This resulted in the widely destabilized middle-east we know today. We should see the DPRK's posturing simply as such, and not as a serious threat. Sure, shooting a missile over Japan, and the constant verbal threats of war is bad, but their ability to project power is very limited. We should worry more about a suddenly collapsing North Korea, which could result in civil war and a catastrophic famine. Remember how most ppl were surprised in the quick dissolution of the UdSSR ? This is bound to happen here as well, and then China and the West have to act very fast to prevent a massive humanitarian crisis.

This kinda scared me because i have a trip planned to japan soon, hope they dont bomb japan :(

Agreed about this !

We need to go in for the good of the north korean people.

Well what we r sure about we have 2 crazy mentally disordered persons on the top of 2 countries

One day they might get crazier , lets hope they wont

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail bette

Maybe Ill get flamed for this but I think after Iraq/US war, the game rule is make sure you can cause damage to the US or they may attack you on the false grounds that you have it. Keep armed but be friendly.

People squash flies but they respect the bees that can sting them.

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