That is true, but what is also true is that most African-Americans today are not fully Africans or "black", while they do identify as such. The sad case is that most of them are at least 1/5th or 1/6th white due to mixing (often rape) in the past. This is still noticeable in their appearance.
And as to their past and present achievements, genes are more important than one may think. It is only of the last decades that this has become a taboo to speak about. But we all know that hereditary genes are very important for intelligence. We all know that if you mate two intelligent persons, their offspring will also likely be intelligent, and the same for two lesser intelligent persons, and that there would be an intermediary product if one person of higher family status mates with a person of lower family status.
The fact is that Africans score much lower on intelligence in average.
If you want to put it bluntly, Africans are on average less intelligent than other races, except for maybe aboriginals. This is why they can't sustain civilizations build upon achievements of other races. Just look at Detroit, but also South Africa and Zimbabwe(previously Rhodesia) today, where everything is crumbling and decaying and literally starving.
These may be uncomfortable facts to many people in the Western hemisphere today, but it's common sense in Asia and it was common sense in the West as well before the 1960s. Do you want to live a comfortable lie or do you want to accept the cold hard truth ? Nature is tough!