
You sound like a religious extremist that watches too much Fox news and info wars. This guy is promoting violence against its own citizens. He is following Hitlers foot steps in what should called American ISIS

I agree that I watch too much news. But I am not an extremist. I was just trying to point out the double standard in how the news is being reported. What about the celebrities, journalists and establishment "resistance"? Are they not promoting violence against our President and his supporters?

I just believe that it should be reported in fairly.

There is only is double standard if you actually think Trump is sane and rational. Democracy and freedom are under blatent attack by right wing religious extremists who think everything is a conspiracy and that a civil war should be waged because the rest of us dont believe in a magic, racist, fascist fairy that controls the world. Look how evangelical Christians are treating the poor, women, children, the sick, LGBT.

Wow! That is a hot opinion. And I respect your right to express it. But it sounds like if anyone differs from your opinion, there is no place for it.

In this post, I never once made judgment as to whether Trump was a good President or not. I was merely pointing out hypocrisy.

I apologize if I offended you.

No man you havent offended me and i may even jumped off a little hot. I inferred your position based on the repetitive use of Mainstream Media. Thats a give away and previous fascist leaders used the same tatics to make people disbelieve the evidence they see with their own eyes. But there is absolutley no room in a civilized society for the hatred for another human being, period. There is a large portion of Americans who call scientific facts, fake news, that is scary. Too many people believe alternative facts.

I definitely agree with your position on hatred and scientific facts.

I am an admitted Conservative but not an extremist. And definitely not a Facist. And I definitely see your concerns about the rise of facism, but I see it on both the extreme Right and the extreme Left.

I also believe that a dishonest media and establishment does a lot to move these people to their extreme positions. Basically as skepticism grows and hypocrisy is exposed within the parties and media, the population doesn't know who to trust. And the easy solution is to choose a side and stick to that side rather than finding the common ground.

Thanks for reading my post and allowing me the opportunity to better clarify my position. That is what I really like about this platform!!!

Yeah, good talking to you. I am working on better debate dialog myself. We get so polarized sometimes we forget about the humanity we are arguing for. Its easy to get emotional and I think if we all can learn conversate more and openly we can have a better country for us all. Peace friend.

but man i just mad because this isnt the america we grew up in.

I have heard that we might disagree on some political stuff, but I absolutely agree on this post. MSM is like a beast with its back against the wall. I cannot understand how anyone does not see that CNN is trying the oldest and cheapest tricks in the book to get back its influence it once had.

German media is no different btw, the word "Lügenpresse" (literally "printer of lies", not literally "Fake News") is branded as Nazi-slang... and that has been done years before the Trump Presidency.

I am sick to death of Fake misleading news. It hurts the innocent
CNN needs a punch out especially after this: