Why it is better to ignore the mainstream media

in #politics7 years ago

Most people, especially in the western world, still watch the news. Some of them watch it directly on TV after they came back from work.

You can find these news sites also on different social networks like Facebook or Twitter. There are thousands of comments posted under each article. Which makes me wonder: „How can they possibly have all this time for that ?“

People should also know that law enforcement and Facebook are cracking down on „hate speech“. Now I know, that our politicians are well aware about those „hate comments“. Yet, they still don´t figure out, that they are the source of the growing anger. So they do what they can best, they react by force.

Now the crazy part is, even in the alternative media, people are complaining about these reckless bureaucrats and the political establishment. I have to say, that I also did it for many years. But now I came to the conclusion, that it is basically a waste of time. It won´t change your life to the better.

Watching the general news or following it doesn´t change a thing. It´s wise to get the information on things, that you can actually change. You cannot change what politicians do, so why express your anger on these news sites ? Or why even watch what these people have to say ?

Most of the daily news in the political spectrum is useless for the individual. For example, here in Germany there are elections coming up. It is quite clear that Angela Merkel will be the chancellor again. Yet the mainstream media channels are doing countless talk shows and programs, where the political elite is engaging in useless discussions with their citizens.

All this is a huge distraction. And most people don´t even recognize it. I can already hear the complaints and the thousands of comments on how people could have possibly voted Merkel into the chancellery again. The public must be so stupid and braindead….

Well, we already know that that moment will come. And even if Schulz wins, it doesn´t matter ! The government system in the western world itself is the problem. Why? Well, because in todays world, governments live of other peoples money (taxes) and fiat money created by central banks. Central banks expanding the money supply leads to big problems overtime.

No news agency will bring you this information. In fact, the majority of the mainstream media is controlled directly and indirectly by governments bureaucrats. So they tell the public, what they´re supposed to hear. Not necessarily the truth.

The solution is to get rid of these news sites, and get your own information from valuable sources. Then you can make the proper decisions for your life, and get your head clean from all the bullshit that is circulating in the mainstream media (and in some cases also the alternative media!).

You also save yourself a lot of time and bring back your creativity by shutting down the TV.


Perfekt beschrieben. Und hier ist die Ursache des Wahnsinns.

Great idea, but if someone asked me if I heard any new jokes lately; I would probably be dumbfounded !