United States Is a Privately Owned Company, It Is a Corporation.

in #politics7 years ago

Karen Hudes, was a Senior Councilor at The World Bank, she spent twenty years working there and she Is now widely known as the World Bank whistle blower. Through her diligent research she has shown how all the money and finances of the world are connected to a super entity.

Karen Hudes Is a very well educated professional, who studied at Ivy League School, Yale. Karen has Impeccable credentials and she asserts that a secret Cabal of bankers, connected to the Vatican, own and control vast amounts of the worlds, banks, think tanks, power structures and countries like the United States. In the Constitution of the United States, It clearly states that the debts under the Confederacy are continued under this Constitution. The debts and the huge Interest payments are still being payed to the British bankers, The Rothschild's. This Is why American finance Is still conducted under Maritime Admiralty law.

The World Bank was created In 1944 by 44 countries, now there's 188 countries and the Word Bank Issues Bonds on the capital markets to the tune of 180 billion worth of bonds. There Is huge corruption In the World bank, the World Bank Is like a microcosm, a reflection of the whole worlds politics, Inside one organization. There are 43,000 trans national corporations who have shares traded on the capital markets. Karen has discovered that this Secret Super Entity which Is mostly bankers, banks like: Goldman Sachs, Citi bank, Bank Of America, Deutsche Bank are all one bank. There the group that owns the US Federal Reserve system. They have also seized control of 60% of the annual earnings on the capital markets and 40% of the value of these companies. But they didn't do It by Investing, a lot of money, they have ten times more the power than you would expect them to have In a fair system. They did this, very clearly, by having the same directors go from one of these companies to another to another. They also control all of the media, TV programs, press, movies, so you're being brainwashed every single day of your life. If you want to find explanations to what's going on, the first thing you need to do Is to disregard what's on the news or written, In the headlines, because that's just to trick you and to keep you Ignorant. It's like the Wizard of Oz, there's a group of Babylonian money magic bankers, wizards controlling the money and the media.

The biggest 8 economies each get their own Executive Director at the World Bank, United States, Germany, France, UK, Russia, China, Japan and Saudi Arabia. Then the rest of the countries share Executive Directors. These Executive Directors were being blackmailed because some of them had gone to the New York madame and some of them had spent money In their bank accounts that made them vulnerable. The CIA was blackmailing other countries Ambassadors. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, IMF, are two sides of the same coin. They have the same board of governors, that's the Ministers of Finance or Ministries of Development, from all of the 188 countries.

This Super Entity, Cabal of Bankers, that has hijacked the Word Bank, already had hijacked the United States Government and a lot of other countries, we are talking multilevel corruption, a Ponzi Scheme. IRS money goes to the Vatican, 60% of It, the other 40% cut goes to the Rothschild's.

The IRS Is not a United States government agency, It Is an agency of the IMF. ( Information below proves this )

Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al.
CV - 93 - 405E - EJE U.S.D. C.D.I,
Pubic Law 94 - 564,
Senate Report 94 - 1148 pg. 5967
Reorganization Plan No. 26,
Public Law 102 - 391

The IMF Is an agency of the United Nations ( UN )

Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition. page 816

If It's the Treasury Department that's Issuing the currency then you don't have to pay Interest on It. But If you have the Treasury Department Issue a Promissory Note to the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve then Issues the currency. Then this note that the Treasury Department Issued has Interest on it. That Is how the United States debt, every year gets bigger and bigger because the US Is going to be spending more than they're taking In. This Is Babylonian money magic, Kabbalah.
This Is how the US tax payments work, when you fill out your taxes and you send the cheque one place and the tax form another place. The cheque goes directly to the Federal Reserve and they take that cheque and they send It to the United Kingdom Bankers. The Rothschild's keep 40% and 60% then goes to the Vatican Jesuits, that's what is happening to all the US citizens tax dollars. The US government Is having to sell the drug heroin form the Afghanistan, poppy fields to finance their own government.

Illuminati tax scam that happened because, In 1200, the King of England borrowed a lot of money from the Vatican because of wars. He subsequently signed a treaty that he would agree to keep repaying the money to the Vatican and of course he never caught up. The United States Capital building was burned down In 1812 by the British, the United States have been paying war repartitions to the UK bankers, all these years, and nobody has bothered to tell the United States people about it.

Lincoln when he was forming the Civil War, Issued green backs directly, without Involving the bankers and he was rubbed out. JFK had a memo that he had signed eleven days before he was assassinated he was going to just erase this compounding of Interest on the US debt.

Before Lincoln was assassinated he had formed the United States In to a Corporation because this was the only way he could reconvene Congress at the time. So the United States was a corporation when he was assassinated and still Is to this very day.
This Is why your birth certificate, checking account, driving license, voter registration and social security Is In all capital letters. They the Cabal, Rothschild's banking elites and European power structures, have created a corporation out of you. On your cheques In order for them to be valid, the authorized signature of that authorized account needs to sign It. When they put fine print on a document, the finer the print the more Important It Is to them and the more they don't want you asking any questions about It. The signature Is already on the cheques, It's hidden In plain sight, because It has MP right behind It. MP, stands for micro printing, most people never catch this because It's hidden In plain sight. So the complete Identity thing Is, basically, like someone sneaking In to your room when you're a baby and basically stealing your Identity. Then creating a corporation that you're actually the owner of, but you don't even know that It exists. Then the Initial pubic offering, of that corporate entity, Is offered through a Birth Certificate Bond. You can get as many certified copies of that Birth Certificate as you want but you can never get the original. The reason you can't get the original Is because It was sold on the Security's Exchange as an Initial pubic offering, this Is Identity theft. All of these original Security Bonds accrue value, as there used In commerce, the value of the bonds go up and they are actually held In each of the Federal Reserves all around the United States.

United States government Is a Privately Owned Company, It's a Corporation, It's like General Motors or Ford Motor Company, It and all the Individual Citizens are privately owned.


Glad to see people with some insight about macroeconomics here on steemit :)

This is all true, welcome to the matrix

All stocks traded on the stock exchanges are owned by "Cede, Inc", which is the same "corporation" that owns the Federal Reserve (which is neither Federal, nor a Reserve).