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RE: Anarchy Symbol Designated as 'Hate Speech' in a Canadian City

in #politics7 years ago

All of these conflicts are caused by an uneducated populace. Most 'anarchists' I've met have not even the vaguest idea of what the true concept of Anarchy actually represents, nor do the general public.

People have associated 'possibilities' under the concept as the concept itself.

E.g; People associate chaos, violence, destruction and instability with Anarchy, and from there assumed Anarchy is these things but it is not.

Chaos and violence is possible at a 5 year old's birthday party, does this make children's parties chaos and violence?

There is plenty of instability, violence, oppression and chaos under government. Does that mean government is the afore mentioned?

Wake up and educate yourselves. Take 30 minutes out of your day and attempt to understand the reality around you. Ignorance is the epidemic the world faces.

I have a short essay posted on the Applied Philosophy of Anarchy, I would suggest this as a great introduction into the true concept of Anarchy: LIBERTY, JUSTICE, FREEDOM & TRUTH FOR ALL!

To an educated person words are tools. To 'the powers that think they be' an uneducated person is the tool.


Yes, although anarchy is simply "no rulers", and anything else can go with that... it does imply moral rule and law, as no one can be a ruler over others which means no one can take or damage property that is the fruits of others labor. Real anarchy involved morality. Thanks for the feedback.