Anarchocapitalism, total freedom

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Two premises:

  • The state is in every sense an evil for society and must be abolished.
  • A free-market and private property based economy it is more competitive and fruitful.

So, that is Anarchocapitalism(AnCap), those two premises together define this polemic game changing political stance.

No state? Can that even work?. Once again two premises:

  • You, me, everybody has a primary private property, our own person.
  • Society can take care of itself without a central direction.

Think about it, moral standards are different for a private individual than for the state. We take for granted that the laws that have been created to rule the society are synonymous with morality, but taxation is a theft that is not penalized, and what to say about the war that is not considered mass murder, the list of cases is as large as the law itself.

So, can it work?. The most important question is, can not we do it better? Consider this:

  • Let’s review the history, about what the different central entities have given to humanity?. War, genocide, eclavitud and repression.
  • Are and have been initiatives of individuals that have generated positive changes in the search for equality, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. Of course, there is still a lot to improve but it wont be the state or any central entity who takes the flag to fight for equality.
  • A free descentralized economy is able to grow exclusively at the rate of its own merits. Competition in equal conditions, benefits the consumer the most.

Ok, but it sounds like an utopia.

An utopia would be to change human nature, AnCap is not going to do that, neither will comunism, nor any existing political philosophy. There will always be good and bad people, but it is worse if there are bad people with power to govern over others and that is what AnCap intend to change.

It is not an utopia to live in an anarchic society, and although it may seem like an utopia to reach that, remember that it is the individuals who take bold initiatives in favor of freedom and equality, and that through these struggles humanity has achieved moral changes and developments, never imagined.

What do we do with the largest monopoly that exists?

Oh yes, that, the currency monopoly. Well, for that we have Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all cryptocurrencies that the market may ask for, that is more than solved for the blockcain technology that every day evolves.

There’s no government like no government, Anarchy doesn’t mean chaos or disorder, it means freedom.


Great post @jandrez welcome to the Steemit Family post explore and enjoy thanks @garrettwallace