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RE: The Tim Dixon Passover-Trump Prophecy

in #politics4 years ago

I'm one of the first to point out when the media lies about Trump, but I am also one of the first to be critical of what Trump actually does, too. He isn't a saint or savior. He's a corrupt businessman and a corrupt politician who has objectively trampled the principles of liberty just like all of his predecessors. Despite being somewhat better on matters like taxes, regulation, and belligerence, he's also a spendthrift and woefully ignorant of any economic theory or philosophical foundation behind his actions.


If that so , Humanity doesnt have much time , i do agree , Christ is within and there is no savior but our own guidance , but we must be prepared for a full time destruction .
Trump could have bring back the Tartarian s principles ( weirdly related to Nikolas Tesla ) but it looks like it wont happen ...therefor ,Nanotechnology is now in full control of our DNA/RNA , immune system and Life ..We will see through faith what is God's plan .

I disagree that Trump is a corrupt businessman. He is not perfect, nobody ever said he was. Tim Dixon does not EVER say that in any of his videos.