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RE: The Tim Dixon Passover-Trump Prophecy

in #politics4 years ago

The lies and abuse run far deeper than the question of whether the 2020 election was stolen. I challenge the premise of democratic representation and republican checks and balances. The ideas that underpin the entire political system are flawed, and claims to authority based on those ideas are illegitimate.

It was Trump's administration that arbitrarily and extra legally banned bump stocks, turning thousands of people into "felons" at the stroke of a pen by unelected bureaucrats. It was Trump's administration which gave us 2/3 of the "COVID stimulus" inflation and debt. On the basis of those two facts alone, it should be apparent that Trump has failed to exhibit the fiscal conservatism and respect for individual rights the Right espouses.


Nobody ever said Trump is perfect. I personally did not like him banning bumps tocks, and also didn't like it when he bombed Syria. I think in both cases, he fell for false flags set up by the deep state. His COVID stimulus does not fit into those categories in my opinion, because he was going to seize assets from China if he got a second term. China attacked us with their synthetic virus, and we would make them pay. Now Beijing Joe is giving money to China.

After much research , Covid-19 ( soon to be Covid-21 )
Was created in France ( institut Pasteur ) hence the French mixing their business in China

Oh boy. I am firmly skeptical of the idea that COVID-19 is a Chinese bioweapon, and Trump's trade war schemes were unwise. Seizing assets is an act of war, and none of us really want that. It would be a massive handout to the military industrial complex and a waste of lives for no good end as the domestic police state would ramp up to trespass against even more rights. No, thanks!