But without the cops, who would ignore theft reports?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

If you have read my posts very much, you may have noticed a certain disdain for government. Here is a very specific example of why I have such disdain. Some of you may also read @generikat's posts, and she recently wrote about a bike theft incident at the library where we both presently work. That was on Tuesday. Remember when it happened, because it is important. The theft was reported to the police on Tuesday evening as well.

On Wednesday, we went though our security camera footage to identify a suspect. We can see who rode bikes to the library. Our suspect was dropped off by someone in a vehicle, loitered suspiciously for a while, took one bike, returned it a few minutes later, and then took another bike and left for the day. We contacted the police and the bike owner's parents so they could also call the police about our evidence for their police report. We in the library know the kid's name and address because we have our library card info. This is an open-and-shut case being handed to the police on a silver platter.

The problem? The coproaches won't even come see our footage. The only officer who apparently has the specialized training necessary to deal with teenage bicycle thieves is out until Monday. No one else at the department can handle such intricate and dangerous matters, apparently.

Why does it take the cops nearly a week to even begin investigating theft?

All sarcasm aside, it shouldn't be a surprise that the police can't do the job they claim to do, namely investigate crimes and protect the public. They are a monopoly in the most literal sense of the word possible. They have no incentive to earn or retain public support, because they have no competition, and public support is created through propaganda in education and the media. They don't need to do a good job at the little things. The truly sad part, though, is that I am certain they would be immediately on top of any reports of meth labs or marijuana grows in the area. If they can do something big and flashy, even when there is no malum in se crime, they'd be on it like stink on shit. Again, public choice economic theory is borne out in real-world examinations as the incentives don't reward real service to the public.

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Interesting post @jacobtothe. I never really thought about it but you are right the police are a very powerful monopoly. They are a monopoly that has no risk of failure as they will never get closed down. It is almost like a type of 'moral hazard'. In this context in regards to response to crime rather than avoiding monetary losses.

I Agree, I see a lot of them just idling around and making their belly bigger haha. i liked the post so i upvoted, commented and followed hehe ^.^

Thanks, and welcome aboard! And don't worry, not all the other Steemians are cantankerous sarcastic anarchists!