I hear you, loud and clear.
and unlike many of those posers out there who may be yelling "hear hear" or something that effect while pretending to be some very brave and noble antiwar activists, I sincerely can say that I agree with you more than what most could ever imagine.
War is the last of options, yet when mad men who disrespect human rights are at question it seems that war may be inevitable.
No child deserves to grow up in an environment in which human rights are not respected.
No parent or child deserves to live in fear of its government.
Sad but true about our reality that mad men out there just don't care about human rights, their ideologies, cults or greed are more important to them than seeing their children (boys and girls) growing up as free and equal individuals.
We cannot understand them, even after witnessing it first hand, to us it is a level of evil that we just cannot fathom.
So when it comes to respecting the people who confront these evils, all I can say is that respect is the least that we can give to them.
I Hear You..... is probably the best way I can express the fact that I fully agree with you and that comments/statements like your comment here is a rare sight out there when these topics are addressed.
Thank you, as one human being to another, THANK YOU.
That is exactly what I feel too... I couldn't really put it into words before, but you said it: "We cannot understand them, even after witnessing it first hand, to us it is a level of evil that we just cannot fathom." SPOT ON.
All I can think to do to fight against this, is keep speaking out in favor of peace wherever I can.