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RE: Did The Matrix Movie Predict Our Current Political Climate?

in #politics8 years ago

Very interesting indeed @docdelux! Upped and Resteemed!

But aren't we already living in that matrix?!

It doesn't matter if we're ruled by the left or the right party, they do all serve the mammon, that means, industries, media and foremost the BANKS!
The Wa(t)chowskis watched out pretty well and put the truth into a science-fiction movie.
It's like beeing in the Land of Oz, if we would look behind the curtain (which many of us already did) we wouldn'd find a wizard, but a politician/actor pulling the ropes for the banks. That's why the yellow brick road isn't paved with brick but with gold bars. And who is left behind, to rule the Land of Oz? The Straw Man!
You see?!
Stay Steemed!