The Problem in Society Today: USA edition (8/19/18)

in #politics7 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen of Steemit,
My name is Helixious and this is my first post. I wanted to make it rather grand so in this short article, I will lay out one problem I see in today's society and I will propose a solution. I may continue to do so if this post receives a fair amount of upvotes (how about 5?).

So for my first article, I think I will tackle the issue of overbearing government and uneducated citizens. Now before I begin, I feel it may be appropriate to disclose that I am a libertarian and my articles may hold a bias, this is my opinion after all. Now onto the content!

The government we will be focusing on in this particular article is the United States government . The United States in my opinion will be the easiest to cover at first but if there is a specific country you'd like covered, feel free to let me know in the comments. Okay so now lets talk about what the actual issue is and how it could possibly be resolved.

The main issue caused by the US government and anyone who lives here can attest as well is that the politics of this country causes a massive division on major topics such as healthcare and even between political parties. The major divide here is between the Republican and Democratic parties. For some, it can even be as bad as not even being able to stay in the same room as someone with opposing beliefs. This is a major problem because this country was founded on the principle of civil debate on policy and compromise which cannot happen if people refuse to communicate with one another. The mainstream media here feeds this divide by feeding the citizens heavily biased reporting on various events that sometimes don't even involve politics. The worst part of all of this is that a majority of people buy into those biased reports and don't even bother fact checking the sources used. This leads to an uneducated society who automatically believe whatever information is given to them. In my opinion, the less educated a society is, the easier they are to control by those who only seek power. A majority of people don't even know about the other countless political parties present in the American political scene that would actually represent their views.

I feel this is done on purpose because if more people actually knew about the political alternatives to the broken Republican-Democrat system, they would be less likely to "just vote for the lesser evil". You see, even when you vote for the lesser evil, evil still wins. (

Okay, now that you've heard my opinion on one of the problems plaguing us, let us talk about a solution. My solution is actually quite simple, start the education process regarding policies in High School and actually put emphasis on it. It should also be made clear to students that they have MANY more options when it comes to political parties. This information should be presented in a Bias-free way so as to prevent the contamination of the thoughts of students until they actually know the topics at hand and can actually create their own opinions instead of taking someone else's opinion and calling it their own so they don't actually have to do their own research. You see, students in modern day America are conditioned to believe whatever their teacher says as truth and when they present their opinions before actually presenting the facts, the students will subconsciously hold a bias in favor of the teacher's own opinion. I can tell you this is true from my own personal experiences from school. For example, when a history teacher teaches a lesson from only one perspective, like manifest destiny for example, the students who don't already know about the topic only know to look at it from the perspective taught to them. Like teaching from only the perspective of Native Americans and only showing the settlers in a negative aspect and vice versa of course. So if teachers were to actually present all sides of information FIRST and their opinions later, I personally believe it would allow for a society of more critical thinking youth which, in turn, become critical thinking adults making it much harder to control and trap them in the two party system.

This has been Helixious and I would like you all to remember that America was formed on Defiance, not Obedience.
(if you have any suggestions for my next article or any criticisms, feel free to leave them in the comments)