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RE: Should Politicians Be Held Responsible When Their Mistakes Result in Death?

in #politics8 years ago

Complicated question. All depends on whether there was clear negligence. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Easy to say "throw the government representative in jail!" But -- what does that make other government employees do? Refuse to pass all but the strictest materials? Does that mean that other buildings get torn down? No more new buildings built? How much suffering does that entail? Does that mean more people on the roads who have to commute? Do you trade auto deaths for fire deaths then and feel good because you don't actually see the link?

Root cause analysis would help. Far as I know we don't have that answer yet.

I do agree that government usually gets a pass and shouldn't. "Always failing upward" as I call it, because their excuse for failing is usually that they don't have enough power and authority.

The US Army Corps of Engineers really caused the Katrina flooding in New Orleans by building a big channel called the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) through the middle of delta that otherwise suppresses and ameliorates storm surge. But what did they get for their failure? Billions of dollars to build giant gates in front of the MRGO. Can't make this crap up....

One question:

That's a giant flaming torch there.

Why didn't that building collapse into its own footprint like the twin towers and building 7 :-0 ?


Great points. As for the Twin Towers collapse I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't built to spec and so didn't function as they should.

Well, that is the story. Just strange.

These collapse:

And this one, building 7, across the street from the twin towers, the reddish building seen in this picture to the left and slightly behind the left hand twin tower:

Hit only by glancing debris from planes that struck other buildings far above, collapses from these fires:

And yet, this one doesn't collapse:

Despite fire that clearly raged throughout every inch of the building:

So one thing's for sure: World Trade Center complex was CLEARLY not built to code. Just waiting for a puff of smoke to bring them all down. And yet, despite over 2700 deaths -- not a single citation for shoddy construction or improper design. Guess they were too busy chopping up that steel and sending it to China to get recycled to do a proper analysis and figure out who screwed the pooch....

Supports your assertion about government escaping blame for sure, right?

I don't think we will ever get the answers to that to be honest. All the evidence has been eliminated or at least put beyond reach of scrutiny.

Yup, I agree. As they say -- It's good to be king!