There is a website which gives average IQ by nation:
Hong Kong and Singapore are tied for first at an average IQ of 108; then South Korea at second with an avarage of 106; Japan and China tied for third at 105, Taiwan at 104, Italy at 102...
So far so good, all of those are high tech nations with modern infrastructure and not much of anything to drag averages down substantially.
But then comes a big aberration. Tied for sixth place at 101 are Iceland, Mongolia, and Switzerland.
Iceland and Switzerland, sure, but Mongolia?? Mongolia was once the most powerful nation on Earth but that was 800 years ago and the place certainly doesn't qualify as any sort of a bastion of high tech or anything like that now.
Could it possibly be that something completely outside of the normal factors is in play here, something totally aside from technology, economics, or education?
This is just a guess but I'd bet it this way if I had to put money on it. At the time of Genghis Khan, and this custom probably survives today in some form or other, Mongols did not marry within their own tribes. Thus the first thing we read about Genghis Khan/Temujin as a child is the tale of his father taking him on a rather longish trip on horseback to a tribe friendly towards the Mongols to find a bride for him.
That is the OPPOSITE of inbreeding. Again this is just a guess, but my guess would be that this has something to do with Mongolia being near the top of that average IQ by nation chart.
Conversely, the nations which show up towards the bottom of that list with average IQ values of 70 and below all have economic problems... But it is a safe bet that most people in those countries marry within their own villages and, naturally enough, a religion which sanctions cousin marriages or involves prophets who serve as examples for marrying one's own cousins, does not help anything.
Take Somalia for instance with an average IQ of 68, two points below what is normally classified as retarded and, thus, a major priority of the US democrat party for large-scale in-migration into the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and a number of other unfortunate US regions.
I've mentioned this on steemit previously:
Now, again as a contrast, at least one of the gorillas which has been taught deaf signs has, on a few occasions, taken human IQ tests and achieved scores of 75 -90. I am not the only person ever to notice this:
The guy writing this has one of the world's highest measured IQs...
"Koko was believed to have had an IO 0f between 75 and 95 and could sign more than 1.000 words The average to at a human is around 90 to 110 She also understood spoken English ' According to the "at! point nile" ot psychometncs [as proposed by pioneering psychometncian Leta S Hollingwonh]. Koko's elevated level at thought would have been all out incomprehensible to nearly half the population ot Somalia (average I0 68) Yet the nations 01 Europe and North America are being flooded With millions of unvetted Somalian refugees who are not (initialty) Kept in cages despite what appears to be the wond‘s highest rate 0! violent crime Obviously. this raises a question Why is Western Civilization not admitting gorillas? They too are trom Afn'ca. and probably have a group mean IO at least equal to that of Somalia In addition. they have peaceful and environmentalty tnendiy cultures. commit far less violent crime than Somaliansv and with minor modifications to western educauon systems, can easily be taught to use language Why are these gentle creatures, who have been threatened with genocide tor decades. not oemg taken in by western nations as retugees despite the indisputable tact that they are teetering on the edge at extinction in their homelands’l Can this be called humane or compassionate? What on Earth is going on here?
The gorilla is intelligent, basically peaceful, a dozen or so times stronger than we are through the arms and shoulders, and good at climbing. If you can't find useful purposes for all of that, something is wrong.
There is a simple scheme you could use to save them. Bring them to the US, teach them all to sign, and put them to work on a part time basis. Nobody who works for a living ever goes extinct.
Find forested areas for them, Make sure they have food, and tell them we could use a bit of help with some of the heavy lifting one or two days out of the week. Every hand would go up.
If you've followed this item this far... Gorillas which have been taught deaf signs are not deaf. You might be wondering why gorillas can be taught deaf sign but not to speak English or even a slow human language like German.
Humans, as per Elaine Morgan's theory, are aquatic mammals and share some 100 characteristics with other aquatic mammals such as dolphins or seals. Voluntary control of breathing, necessary for spoken speech, is an aquatic trait involved in swimming and diving. We take that for granted but the great apes, as is also the case for most land animals, do not have it.
Elaine Morgan's thesis can be viewed two ways. Viewed as another version of evolutionism, it is just another flavor of bullshit. Viewed as a theory of human adaptation, it is the best theory that has ever come down the road so far, but it has never gotten any traction in academia and there are two reasons for that:
There is no physical evidence to support it, no fossil evidence of any kind of an "aquatic ape" on the planet, and
There has never been a body of water on this planet which would be safe for humans to live in.
Perfectly good theory, just needs a different kind of a world to happen on. In fact, all evidence indicates that Cro Magnon humans came here suddenly and did not evolve here; their fancy tools, weapons, and artwork were present from the first day that the earliest humans ever set foot on this planet. This is an updated version of Morgan's theory:
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