Two states, creating wars against their private citizens. The Zionist State VS Iran! Crypto Free Market takes a hit because of this.

in #politics11 months ago

If we kill the Stock Market, Crypto won't need to follow it, right? We don't need that Socialist monopoly in our lives. We don't need the wars the State brings upon private citizens. Do you realize how many innocent private citizens will die if there is a war between these two corrupt states pretending it is a necessary evil to engage in such things? If people only knew that their Government is their worst enemy, we wouldn't have Socialism.

But since the State Finances a media that spews bullshit about how godly the State is and how much it fights for its citizens. People believe the State is something worth dying for.. This is why we have war. People are misled in believing the State is fighting for their interest..

People need to be educated that the state shouldn't be worshipped as Gnostic Hermetic leaders such as Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler taught.