
Nice article...... I love the way you wrote.... You are truly a Genius man @greenman

@greenman Good Work!!!!!!

Love the article! Great work. @greenman

Great work.... Love the article...... Thanks you @greenman

Excellent post! Thank you for linking me to it. I'm now a follower. I'm curious why support Trump over someone like Gary who has already committed to working for the abolishment of many federal government agencies? As an anarchist, I probably won't vote for any rulers, but this whole post had me up until that moment. Trump, to me, seems like a psychotic liar just like any other establishment candidate.

Either way, great resource with lots of really good information. Thank you! It took me years to consume all this stuff to understand what's going on a bit more. I also enjoyed the Money as Debt animated series along with James Rickards' The Death of Money and Currency Wars.

Excellent. Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad you are even thinking about how your vote could count in achieving direction towards an anarchist's views. Thanks for following and I have already written my next post but probably have someone edit it first. It will be some of the same but drilling down into the evidences.

Love the article! Great work. Shoot me an email if you ever want to write any content for TLAV. Stay vigilant!

Shooting you that email soon. Thanks Paul

I really like your work man. It is pretty much how i feel about all of it and you put out information that is conspiracy fact that anyone can trace back on their own with enough time and motivation.

Excellent thanks for great compliment. I am new at this and I already see so much improvement on my style. I will continue to talk the topic. I am thinking now to zoom in on each fact like thinking my next blog will expand on the 147 company report and how I and all of us should feel about that. I think media likes to call it conspiracy but I just think it is fat cigar smokin' business dudes saying "eh how can we make more money today". If that is conspiracy than conspiracy it is. Thx again!

All that can be short circuited by the workers continuing to work while not paying for anything.

I don't understand can you reword?

Yes, the political theater being played out by the actors to keep the sleeple on the farm can be eradicated by the workers continuing to work while not paying for anything they consume.
The produce of a worker's labor belongs to the worker far more than it belongs to the oligarch.

Ok got ya - thx. I say a big bullet in the heart of the vampire banks is to shop local (credit unions for now) and take your money out of the bank. That way they can't leverage it or even issue new money and then the system has to change.

I say stop using money and get off your ass and start helping your neighbors do something productive.
As long as your solution includes money, you really haven't escaped crapitalism, have you?

From my point of view I love Capitalism but not the kind we have. We could do a lot better pulling people out of poverty while moving equality to much more equitable. Money has proven over time it helps people trade therefore helps people feed their families. The new blockchain technology allows for the best community money ever created. I will do a detailed blog on it later so follow me but here is a sense of it:

You see there is this new technology that uses 'computational trust' to validate a ledger. It is like putting your favorite audit firms like KPMG, Arthur Andersen (out of business because of fraud) or Deloitte into a calculator but this calculator is a peer to peer decentralized computer program or algorithm that is currently validated every 10 minutes with more computational processing power that has ever been put together for one purpose in the history of mankind! Yes, that is 360,000 times more processing power then all the Google server farms put together. It is known as the blockchain and has digital tokens given as rewards to users for validating its ledger and fractions of them are known as satoshi's or milibits and full tokens are called bitcoins. Just a simple ledger bringing transparent auditing to the world of finance like bookkeeping was intended to do. A true new GAAP (generally accepted accounting principle) has arrived through 'computational trust'. Welcome to this new technology you should learn about it it is here to stay and is the greatest advancement in business since the computer.

Yes, but trading has always led to inequalities just like we have now.

I would like to see the blockchain used to account for things, just not in the way you propose.
I would like to come back 100 years from now and find out where Maserati #208944 was delivered to so that I can track it down.

Under my proposal we would need to find work for all the people not currently working.
We would also have to find work for all the upper management that the blockchain has put out of work.
If we produced for demand, and not for greed, we could cut our work week to 20 hours and our work lives to 15 years or less.

As it is we work in excess of 70,000 hours over 40 years of our lives and still we will never live the millionaires' lifestyle, or retire to the moon.
My proposal offers both for the price of proving your contribution towards the minimum standard established by dividing all the hours needed to produce stuff by the number of people 20 to 50 years of age.

Once you have met the standard anything you produce is to your credit as a human being.
Unless I have the option of eating without working I am a slave of those that work people.

Any solution that leaves money, profits from the labor of others, and banking intact does not free us from the oligarchy.

Do you want to break the existing system? Excellent!
And what in return? Another round of pseudo equality? Tucked in the word "communism" is the embodiment of the Russian Federation and North Korea?
Not afraid of the prospect of becoming a hostage idiot who imagines himself the eternal?

Yes. I think we can do a lot better than fascism. I like Dr. Richard Wolff's work. Then I would throw in some Peter Schiff spiced up with David Stockman. I would have both Ellen Brown and Bill Black in charge of the Treasury Department. Have you read my last post on solutions?

Here is link

I also would take what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says very seriously.

Thats great!!

nice article.........

good article friend thank you for sharing I wish to visit my post