Trump announces he will hand over total control of Jerusalem to the Israeli,s to celebrate 70 years since the creation of their State of Israel !

in #politics7 years ago

The President elect for the USA Donald Trump has announced this week that he intends to hand over the city of Jerusalem to Israel as it capital city replacing Tel Aviv which untill now, had been considered the capital of this country created follwing the second world war in 1947. As a "celebration" of this States creation to which the Palestinians were not invited ! So now Palestinians who were already the deplaced people in this political agenda, stand to lose the cultural and spiritual centre of what is left of their nation after years of occupation by a people brought in from central Europe at the end of the Second World War !

I find this recent development quite perplexing as it will clearly further exasperate the political tensions which I think we have all been seeing since in the region since the conception of this State of Isreal created by Nato and enforced by the boot of the Isreali military ever since !

Why in these times, so troubled in the Middle East, after all of these wars in Iraq,Lybia and Syria now seemingly being brought to an end by a precise and effective intervention of Putins Russian Federation Military would a man who claims to want to bring peace to the region bring such a huge and clearly aggravating decision to the table ?

Already we have seen a synagogue in Malmo, Sweden fire bombed with people inside by 100,s of angry Muslims ! Also there was an attempted pipe bomb attack in New York,s Times Square just yesterday, both being events which give us a taste of what is felt by the pro Palestinian muslims which are know firmly inplanted into our western societies since the refugee iinflux of 2016 started by Angela Merkels announcement of "Refugee Welcome "in that year !

I have till now been a fairly staunched supporter of Trumps " Drain the Swamp " and " Make America Great Again " policies and indeed it does seem that he has kep his word on these matters. I have reported to you that I see positive things happening regarding the evils being perpertrated by the Globalist Corportate Cabal ! Yet on this subject he has totally lost me and I feel that he is making a monumental error ! Even strangely the E.U (the United States of Centralised Tyrannical Europe) has now voiced their disagreement with this policy. Something which just leaves me without words as I am surprised to see the very people who would rejoice in Israel furthering their borders come out in defence of the Palestinian people against Trump ! But perhaps they do this only to further their destruction of Trump in the eyes of the people by showing Trump to be the creator of this surely to come "Hellstorm" in the Middle East, when and not if, the "War for Jerusalem" breaks out into another hot war?

This is a great article from Reuters which gives the full disclosure on this astounding decision from Trump in favour of Israel and the furthering of it borders and political influence upon the deplaced Palestinians.

In break with decades of U.S. policy, Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital !

“The president believes this is a recognition of reality,” said one official, who briefed reporters on Tuesday about the announcement. “We’re going forward on the basis of a truth that is undeniable. It’s just a fact.”

Here is an article from Infowars that explains how the E.U does not want to see Jerusalem handed over to just the Israeli,s as they feel the continuation of the present sharing of this ancient and spiritually important city between two peoples that have till then been forced to share is the best and only solution ! I must say I find myself agreeing with them totally, something which i dont do very often concering these technocrats of Brussels ! Even the self proclaimed New King of France Macron does not support this ?? Strange indeed ! Seems their hate of Trump goes further even than their love of Israel !

But thanks to Trump and his perhaps misguided need to appease his AIPAC friends at home, that these days are now at an end and Peace will be forever lost in this already troubled region and possibly with it, the world, as clearly this region has roots now far and wide !

EU Rebuffs Israel: Jerusalem Must be “Capital of Two States”

“We believe the only realistic solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine is based on two states with Jerusalem as the capital of both the state of Israel and the state of Palestine,” Mogherini said.

Meanwhile as the strengthening of Jewish Control over Jerusalem and the Palestinian People is actively being increased, it has now been made illegal to protest Israel,s abuse of the Palestinian people forcibly removed from their own lands by a " foreign " Nato backed invader ! So if you call for or enact a boycott of Israel in America, or I am sure soon anywhere, you will fall victim to government abuse and even incarceration for your political beliefs and in their eyes no doubt, crimes !

Schumer, Gillibrand Co-Sponsor Senate Bill That Would Make Boycotting Israel A Felony

"If you boycott against Israel, New York will boycott you. If you divert revenues from Israel, New York will divert revenues from you. If you sanction Israel, New York will sanction you, period," Cuomo said when he signed the order.

Violators of the law "would be subject to a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison" according to the ACLU's letter.

Your thoughts and reactions on this my post, as ever most appreciated in my comment section below.




It's a piss poor decision and I believe it's been made deliberately to raise the tension in the region. The banksters need a war to kick off in order to distract people from the coming economic collapse. They've tried and failed in Syria, NK and Ukraine.
This is just the latest attempt to get things going.

I think it's a very interesting approach, while obviously it has flared up tensions, I think it's important to realize that Israel is really the west's only social and political ally in the Middle-East, and the allegiances between the global community and Arab Muslim states seems to be out of self interest rather than an alignment of values. Israel is a democracy which has long been considered to be the most or the only "Free" country in the region. In my opinion despite the backlash, it is important for people who want to preserve western democratic values and liberties to unabashedly support others with common goals, even if it stirs the pot occasionally. I personally like to avoid the debate over which religion "deserves" Jerusalem, because I prefer the approach that Israel has taken, which is being open to all religions who will get along. I think this is important to understand that the only option to ensure the civil liberties of all groups in Jerusalem is to have it be Israeli

...further exasperate the political tensions

I believe that is the whole point :(

Yes well then we both agree then @lyndsaybowes and not as I pointed out just there in Jerusalem but surely here at home in our Western Nations now overun with these waring fractions ! So looks we take one more step down the road to all out asymetric warfare on our streets over issues which are not our own ! God Help us if he can indeed hear our prayers !! thanks for the support and clearly made point !

Hey my dear friend, this time I beg to disagree.

Whatever the criminal trash EU is for, can't be good.

Jerusalem has always been the capital of Israel. Nowhere in the bible do I see Tel Aviv mentioned. The Philistines (Palestinians) always tried to concquer the land of Israel - to date.

Tel Aviv is now the 'progressive' capital of sexual pleasures, debauchery and unglodliness that would have envied Sodom and Gomorrah.

Don't get me wrong. I don't agree with most of Israel globalist/statist politics, the City of Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. Period. I am not a zionist, or jewish religion lover, but I am taking the bible very seriously. Much unjustice is being perpetrated against Palesinians - and those responsible will have to stand for their crimes before God. I do not envy them.

Please read Zechariah 8 - The LORD Promises to Bless Jerusalem.

Surrendering Jerusalem is not going to appease those who worship different gods than ADONAI - the great I AM, the Host of hosts. (btw, a military term)

Americans get sent off to war and are attacked in blowback terror attacks because Washington decided we must "support our ally Israel". A state based off the "right" of the land given in an old book based off faith.

Americans are getting tired of supporting the wants and needs of an extreme religious sect's attempt to colonize plots of land occupied by other people. These people being called "religious extremists" by mainstream US media. But nothing religiously extreme about the head of state of Israel arguing in front of the world that "The Bible says Jerusalem is our capital".

Keep your religious wars out of my government. We'd like to avoid another 9/11.

Appeasement never leads to peace.

Expand on your point. US foreign policy towards the Middle East has directly lead to 9/11 & the deaths of American citizens. Who am I appeasing? The Palestinians? Who hate the "US Devil" because of its support for Israel. What does the American people benefit from the government support for the Israeli occupation and colonization?

I am neither defending Israel/Zionist politics nor US Globalist interventionsism.

I am, however, taking the bible seriously.

That's fine. Could US military policy not be based off your decision to take the bible seriously?

I can't speak for US military policy, If it was bible based, it wouldn't get the US involved in needless and unjust conflict.

If everyone took the bible seriously, the world would be a better place in my view.

But surely we are not appeasing the Palestinians with this move, just the Israelis who I thinkhave already the upper hand in this affair as indeed they are backed and protected by their war machine payed for with American taxpayers dollars ! The whole thing is just on the face of it to me badly thought out and I am sure will lead to more suffering both there and here !

Disagree yet again - or at least I hope Trump's motive would not be ISRAEL the state, but God, for Israel the state is just as corrupt as the UN, EU, US Deep State, etc.

The State of Israel i am sorry @globocop is populated not even by real Jews, they are for the better part Khazarian Jews from central Europe at the end of the war ! They have about as much claim to that land as Americans, which I am sorry is very little ! This is going to be a huge mistake, Bible or no Bible ! Its not the word of God which I fear most in this story but more the hands of men ! But then I am sure you will say that this will be all part of some self fulfilling destiny, when I think this all could have been avoided and the world be a better place if the State of Israel was never instigated and that the Ottoman Empire was let to its own devices and in Peace !

As I said, I am not defending the state of Israel or its shady political ambitions - or the jewish religion. I am stating the word of God - and it is infallable.

Confusing indeed. You are not alone.
In your thinking of world events you think Trump made a mistake regarding Jerusalem. I disagree with you because on the world stage major events mistakes don’t happen. Everything is calculated. The difference between Hillary and Trump is the packaging of how to bring about things to the public. The game is designed to confuse everyone except the players.

Well i will admit that I for one am pretty confused by this incredibly dangerous decision by Trump @theclear as it seems we are yet again poking the hornets nest with a big stick ! Yes I am sure it is caluculated like all of the world events we see unfolding right now ! But seriously what good can come of this, how indeed will this bring peace to these troubled lands ?


yeah @clear, well there is our problem, this schmuck ( what a disgusting person really !!

go chump - zionist scum...

Thanks for the great post @gomeravibz I personally feel that N.Korea is a smokescreen for the real agenda, war with Iran and a wide scale middle east conflict. Whether people think Trump is aware of this, making a mistake, doing what he feels is right or indeed whether it's the right decision it doesnt really matter. I feel that he has a dangerous personality flaw which can be exploited. The flaw I'm talking about is his narcissm and I believe it has the potential to be weaponised and used as a tool of division. One things for sure and it's that I don't think this decision is going to make the world a better or safer place. Thanks again for keeping on top of the news @gomeravibz

@globocop makes some interesting points. I'm not familiar with these issues at all, but 1 thing confuses me: If Israel was created by the U.N., then that decision is totally illegimitate, because the U.N. is totally criminal, anti-American, illegitimate - a creation basically of the CFR, Soviet, Communist spies, etc., whatever Gary Allen said:
I can't believe anybody (still) thinks Donald Trump is any constitutionalist, conservative or will "drain the swamp," he is the swamp, proven abundantly:
There are several more articles like that. He's as Establishment as anybody, lies as much as Hilary, no doubt. His "job" is to lie and propagandize for the elites/special interests, 24/7.

I am sorry to disagree with you @nubody, as indeed if Trump is a globalist then why does he so vermentley oppose the " global warming " agenda so wanted clearly by the corporate globalists that dream to impose their bogus carbon tax on the world with this total fabrication of science ?? If he is a Gobalist Deep State opearative as you say then this sure is a strange move by him opposing the Treaty of Paris and stating to the world he will not respexct the wishes of the " scientific community " that say man is to blame for the rising sea levels !!
