Gold Goats 'n Guns Live - Thank the Gods for President Mattis. Trump is a Turnip

in #politics7 years ago

Last night’s strikes on Damascus could have been orders of magnitude worse than they were. But, don’t let the MAGA crowd delude you into thinking that President Trump still has much, if any, control over the situation. Most of those mouth-breathing morons have no clue as to how foreign policy is actually conducted and believe the lies about American hyper-supremacy in all things righteous and military.

They are wrong and so is Trump. Thankfully, Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis stepped up to the plate and put a stop to the stupidity emanating from the White House and convinced Trump (or told him, most likely) not to start World War III over his limbic ab-reaction to an unknown situation.

I discuss this, the fallout and what things occur next in the next 45 minutes of livestreaming. Enjoy.

Trump is Done, Mattis Won, Thank the Gods

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Mondays at 8pm and Fridays at 9pm.

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I hope you're wrong about Trump being done. I really hope you're wrong, because Trump is the only hope that this world has.

This is where I disagree. I think our hopes lie with the very people and impulses that brought Trump to power and saw the Brits vote to leave the EU. I think Putin is far more the real deal that Trump is in that Putin is willing to fight at the same level as his opponents (or at least was when it was needed) and knows when and how to apply the right amount of pressure.

Trump, on the other hand, has good intentions but not the skills to see it all through nor the willingness to get his hands truly dirty.

Tone down your expressions of love for Putin or everyone will know we're Russian Bots, beep beep.

Okay.... Putin iz teh suXx0Rz!

Relevance: Syria
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