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RE: Trump announces he will hand over total control of Jerusalem to the Israeli,s to celebrate 70 years since the creation of their State of Israel !

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Hey my dear friend, this time I beg to disagree.

Whatever the criminal trash EU is for, can't be good.

Jerusalem has always been the capital of Israel. Nowhere in the bible do I see Tel Aviv mentioned. The Philistines (Palestinians) always tried to concquer the land of Israel - to date.

Tel Aviv is now the 'progressive' capital of sexual pleasures, debauchery and unglodliness that would have envied Sodom and Gomorrah.

Don't get me wrong. I don't agree with most of Israel globalist/statist politics, the City of Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. Period. I am not a zionist, or jewish religion lover, but I am taking the bible very seriously. Much unjustice is being perpetrated against Palesinians - and those responsible will have to stand for their crimes before God. I do not envy them.

Please read Zechariah 8 - The LORD Promises to Bless Jerusalem.

Surrendering Jerusalem is not going to appease those who worship different gods than ADONAI - the great I AM, the Host of hosts. (btw, a military term)


Americans get sent off to war and are attacked in blowback terror attacks because Washington decided we must "support our ally Israel". A state based off the "right" of the land given in an old book based off faith.

Americans are getting tired of supporting the wants and needs of an extreme religious sect's attempt to colonize plots of land occupied by other people. These people being called "religious extremists" by mainstream US media. But nothing religiously extreme about the head of state of Israel arguing in front of the world that "The Bible says Jerusalem is our capital".

Keep your religious wars out of my government. We'd like to avoid another 9/11.

Appeasement never leads to peace.

Expand on your point. US foreign policy towards the Middle East has directly lead to 9/11 & the deaths of American citizens. Who am I appeasing? The Palestinians? Who hate the "US Devil" because of its support for Israel. What does the American people benefit from the government support for the Israeli occupation and colonization?

I am neither defending Israel/Zionist politics nor US Globalist interventionsism.

I am, however, taking the bible seriously.

That's fine. Could US military policy not be based off your decision to take the bible seriously?

I can't speak for US military policy, If it was bible based, it wouldn't get the US involved in needless and unjust conflict.

If everyone took the bible seriously, the world would be a better place in my view.

But surely we are not appeasing the Palestinians with this move, just the Israelis who I thinkhave already the upper hand in this affair as indeed they are backed and protected by their war machine payed for with American taxpayers dollars ! The whole thing is just on the face of it to me badly thought out and I am sure will lead to more suffering both there and here !

Disagree yet again - or at least I hope Trump's motive would not be ISRAEL the state, but God, for Israel the state is just as corrupt as the UN, EU, US Deep State, etc.

The State of Israel i am sorry @globocop is populated not even by real Jews, they are for the better part Khazarian Jews from central Europe at the end of the war ! They have about as much claim to that land as Americans, which I am sorry is very little ! This is going to be a huge mistake, Bible or no Bible ! Its not the word of God which I fear most in this story but more the hands of men ! But then I am sure you will say that this will be all part of some self fulfilling destiny, when I think this all could have been avoided and the world be a better place if the State of Israel was never instigated and that the Ottoman Empire was let to its own devices and in Peace !

As I said, I am not defending the state of Israel or its shady political ambitions - or the jewish religion. I am stating the word of God - and it is infallable.